Astrological horoscopes/birth charts. Astrological Birth Charts by [HOME] Type your email address here to win a free personalized horoscope. < Quick Menu > Freebies Astro by email Astro by snail mail Numerology Affiliate Program < Quick Menu > Freebies Free astrological blueprint Win a free reading Daily Horoscopes Affiliate Program Readings by Email Tarot readings Psychic readings Relationship Compatibility Relating Potential Career reading Woman to woman Sexuality Profile Character Portrait Month Forecast Year Forecast Child Profile Psychological Profile Romance Life Clock Readings by snail mail Relationship Chart Character Profile Child Profile Month Forecast Year Forecast Order Testimonials Numerology Index Relationship Lucky Numbers Forecast A Sign of the Times Astrology, PO Box 2232, Vancouver, WA 98668, USA Email Child profiles, relationship compatibility profiles, character portraits, month & year forecasts. Welcome to A Sign of the Times Astrology, your source for free or inexpensive natal & birth charts, and astrological horoscopes. Every visitor to our site is entitled to claim a free astrological chartwheel and entry into our free weekly draw - first prize a free chart of your choice. Why are our horoscopes different? Because we specialize in calculating individual, personalized, birth charts, calculated using your exact data. Your horoscope is as individual as you are, and unless it has been written using your birth data it has little or no value. Horoscopes such as the ones we see every day in newspapers, magazines and search engines are a complete waste of time. It is just not credible to believe that the entire Aries population of the world will be experiencing the same thing, on the same day, wherever they live, regardless of their data! When you request your personalized reading you now have two delivery methods - email, or postal. Postal. Each unique and attractively presented chart is created using your specific birth data, printed in color on fine quality paper using your choice of typestyles, and bound in a black cover with a hand painted gold and silver sun on the front. Includes all astrological calculations and full text interpretation of up to 22 pages - a very presentable and unique gift! Orders fulfilled and mailed within 8 business hours! Email. Ideal if you require faster delivery. This is solely a text interpretation and will be emailed to the email address(es) you specify. Emailed charts do not incur shipping charges, so they cost a little less! ....don't forget, we have a free draw every Wednesday where you could win a free chart of your choice! Character Profiles, Compatibility Reports, Forecasts and more : Email Delivery Updates NEW TAROT READING "Your Future". What will stay the same, what lies ahead, changes, causes of changes, beginnings, what you need to understand, future desires, and outcome... more October 29th 2002 RELATING POTENTIAL Help for any kind of relationship - love, friendship, business, etc. Defines relationship skills, problem who you may be... more September 9th 2002 OPPORTUNITIES Career success, how you relate to co-workers, what is your ideal career, it's all included in the "Opportunities" reading... more August 5th 2002 WOMAN TO WOMAN READING A reading especially written for today's women... more June 11th 2002 TAROT READINGS Personal tarot readings for your enlightenment and enjoyments... more May 30th 2002. PSYCHIC READINGS our resident email psychic is here to help... more March 12th 2002 GHOSTS AND ENTITY PHOTOS April 26th 2001. Unexplained and mysterious photographs of ghosts, entities, or other odd things we thought you might like... more NUMEROLOGY CHARTS Prices start at just $6.99 for our lucky number forecast, and readings up to 80 pages long! ... more Charts by email Sexuality, Romance, Psychological, Life Clock, Year or Month forecast, Character Portrait, Child Profile - it's all here! Free Offer! We now give away 2 free character portraits with every relationship compatibility profile. 20th May 1999 White Witchcraft Services. For love spells, infidelity, infertility, legal problems etc. FREE CATALOG 10th May 1999 Referral Partner Program 26th April 1999 Coming Soon...... Astrological Software We will soon have a comprehensive range of astrology software available - with downloadable trial versions! Let me know when the software is online. astrology birth charts astrological birth charts horoscopes witchcraft wicca spells love spells blair witch project Heather Kozar linda goodman Astrology