Astrocartography: New Guide to ACG Maps . Immediate Download "The Geostel Brownbook" -- E-Book The New Guide to Analyzing Astrocartography Maps. TWO MINUTE DOWNLOAD GIVES YOU FREE UNLOCKED TEXT. . DOWNLOAD THE BROWNBOOK Signs Of Freedom: Overcoming All Astrological Charts Interview Read Julian Lee on locational astrology, astrocartography, and Jim Lewis -- the "Father of Locational Astrology." Home Page of Relocation Astrologer Julian Lee ASTROCARTOGRAPHY RESEARCH The Geostel Brownbook By Julian Lee $18 Ebook / $21 Hard Copy Those familiar with astrocartography maps have read the little brown booklet written by Jim Lewis for analyzing astrocartography map lines. The Geostel Brownbook is an enlarged and different description of those same astrocartography lines based on extensive observation by one of the world's most successful practicing locational astrologers. Julian Lee Use the Brownbook for more accurate understanding of any ACG-style linemap. Did you know that a "Neptune-IC' location can be far more positive than Jim Lewis thought? Or, that the UR-IC location is usually much more difficult than Lewis described? Get the real story in the Geostel Brownbook. In the Brownbook Julian Lee describes life under the various ACG map lines. His descriptions are not only different, but more colorful and full, taken from real life with thousands of his clients, as well as broader study of locational charts. Locational Astrology is the future of all astrology, and the Geostel Brownbook is the cornerstone for understanding locational astrology in general, and especially astrocartography maps. You can sample right now the Brownbook material on Moon-IC. $18. 110 page E-Book DOWNLOAD After this easy one-minute download you'll be able to sample more of Julian's information from your computer, including his material on Uranus-IC. Or, first read this link showing Julian's material on locational Moon-IC. $21. Paper Copy AVAILABLE ONLY AT THIS SITE. Geostel LLC The Astrology Revolution "Astro*Carto*Graphy" is a registered trademark. Advanced Locationa1 Research is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the owner of the "Astro*Carto*Graphy" trademark or any licensees to the trademark.