astrology for gay relationships don't forget the hyphen * DETAILED PROFILES TO PUT YOU IN CONTROL OF YOUR GAY RELATIONSHIPS. * UP TO 60 PAGES OF TEXT BASED ON YOUR BIRTH DETAILS. * VALUE-FOR-MONEY PRICE $9. Hi, and welcome, A lot of astrology reports are vague and ambiguous, and sometimes are so imprecise that they can mean anything to anyone. They're okay for a laugh, but just not good enough if you want to use astrology to make important decisions in your life. The reports offered on this website are comprehensive, full of detail, and much longer than most. On this website I briefly outline the two astrology forecasts and four astrology profiles I am offering you, including two that help put you in control of your gay relationships: * A selection of two HOROSCOPES: Horoscope about you and your individual qualities. (up to 17 pages of text) Body and Soul Profile explores your health and spirituality. You discover your personal gemstones, flowers, foods, aromas, and colours. (up to 37 pages of text) Both include a full interpretation with planets, aspects, and houses. Plus a chart wheel, a symbol interpreter, and a page of keywords that briefly outline the interpretation. * A selection of two FORECASTS that let you plan your life: 3-month detailed Forecast (up to 60 pages of text). 6-month basic Forecast (up to 48 pages of text). Pick favourable days for new gay contacts and avoid the disappointment of unfavourable days. Both Forecasts include a chart wheel and a symbol interpreter. * A selection of two RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY PROFILES: Relationship Report explores the strengths and weaknesses of your gay relationships, and the compatibility between yourself and your partner. Includes both full detailed synastry and full detailed composite, so that you can decide which technique you feel is more appropriate to your own circumstances. Plus a bi-wheel chart, two chart wheels (one for each person), and a symbol interpreter. (up to 50 pages of text) Love Profile explores your sexual and emotional needs and outlines the kind of gay partner or friend you are likely to get on with best. (up to 36 pages of text) IT TAKES UP TO TWENTY-FOUR HOURS TO PROCESS AND DELIVER YOUR FORECAST OR PROFILE CLICK HERE for more info about the Horoscope and BodySoul Profile CLICK HERE for more info about the 3-month and 6-month Forecasts CLICK HERE for more info about the Relationship and Love Profiles EACH FORECAST AND PROFILE IS ABOUT YOU AND NO ONE ELSE: All of the forecasts and profiles are based on your birth date and location (and time if known), and so are about you and no one else; except the relationship compatibility profiles (Synastry and Composite) which are based on the birth details of both yourself and your gay partner or friend. DELIVERED TO YOU BY E-MAIL: The forecasts and profiles are processed individually and delivered to you by e-mail (within 24 hours) as an attached HTML file for you to open in your browser. If you have any difficulty opening the HTML file in your browser, please let me know by e-mail so that I can send you an alternative text file. This page is: