asia wholesale jewelry Instant Access To Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers In Asia Buy jewelry direct from wholesalers and manufacturers for your work-at-home business or retail store! Import wholesale jewelry from Third World countries,then re-sell it for a substantial profit, just like the Professionals... never pay retail for jewelry again. Want to own a work-at-home Internet business and market products that people will buy? It's possible to earn just as much money as the owner of your local jewelry store. Without leaving home. I'm Jerry Martin, founder and president of the Better Internet Bureau. I would like to introduce you to a rock solid work-from-home business opportunity that is honest and ethical. Over the last several years I've reviewed hundreds of web sites offering work-at-home opportunities that promise to make people rich. But less than 3% of them offer a product or service that would help you earn even $100.00 per month, let alone get rich. If you want to make money on the Internet, you must associate yourself with products that sell well internationally...products like jewelry. Doing business on the Internet is no different than doing business in your hometown. If you offer quality products--at reasonable prices--you will make money. You will also get referrals from happy customers. The amount of money you earn is determined by the spread between the wholesale and retail price of your products. The Asia Wholesale Jewelry Database shows you where to buy raw gems and ready-made jewelry in Third World countries. Many of the items you will find can be marked up 500% - 1000%, when retailed in North America or internationally. Sell Jewelry On eBay And Other Auction Sites Are you serious about making money on the Internet? Let me offer you two ways to help you get started. 1. Sign up right now for instant access to the Asia Wholesale Jewelry Database. You will learn where to buy beautifully crafted jewelry, created by highly skilled Asian craftsmen and artisans, for incredibly low prices. You will also learn how to re-sell these products at huge profits. The package includes a tutorial that shows you how to import unique, ready-made jewelry and loose gems at Third World prices. One way to turn a huge profit with Asian jewelry is to auction it on eBay and other Internet auction sites. Did you know it's possible to make a full-time living by selling unique items on auction sites like eBay? Many people do this with products that are far inferior to the unique jewelry you will find in the Asia Wholesale Jewelry Database. To help you understand how to successfully market jewelry on auction sites, I would like to give you a free copy of "eBay Marketing Secrets!" with your purchase of the Asia Wholesale Jewelry Package. This riveting report unveils the secrets to becoming a professional marketer on eBay. Receiving over 1.5 billion page views per month, eBay is the ULTIMATE venue for selling virtually any goods and making significant profits with almost no effort. I would also like to give you a free copy of "eBay Reports" the insiders secrets to making an obscene income on eBay. One woman makes $250,000.00 per MONTH! Want to see how she does it? You will find out when you order the Asia Wholesale Jewelry Package! The combined value of the two eBay reports is $49.00 but you will receive them both free of charge. Simply apply the ideas presented in the reports to the jewelry you find in the Asia Wholesale Jewelry Database. Many of the items listed in the database far exceed the quality of jewelry you will find in North America. The techniques used to create the jewelry have been handed down for many generations. The families who create these marvelous works of art often live in extreme poverty and have no concept of the real value their masterpieces can command in the international marketplace. They are simply trying to survive another day. The Asia Wholesale Jewelry Tutorial also includes directions to government web sites that offer free instructions on how to import your jewelry, and tips on how to protect yourself when sending money to Asian countries. Create A Jewelry Empire On The Internet Another way to market your wholesale jewelry is to set up a series of two-page specialty sites that showcase individual pieces of jewelry. Simply choose one of the template web sites that is included with the tutorial, pop in photos and prices of the jewelry you have selected and you're in business. Example: You could set up a mini-site that specializes in opal necklaces and earrings, then set up another mini-site to specialize in jade rings and bracelets. Soon you will have dozens of mini-stores producing income. If you earned $200.00 per month from each online jewelry store and you had twenty stores your income would be $4,000.00 per month. BONUS REPORT: To help you understand the power and financial potential of using mini-sites, I will also give you: "How To Create Killer Mini-sites That Sell Like Crazy! This brand-new report shows you the secret techniques used by Internet marketing experts to create mini-sites that are very profitable. And you can use it to create professional jewelry mini-sites. To learn more... about creating a jewelry empire on the Internet... click here ... Build a jewelry empire! Home | Jewelry Empire | Order | Affiliate Program | Contact E-mail: © Copyright 2002. This web site is protected under international copyright laws and may not be copied in any form.