Ebook Profits: How To Create And Sell Profitable Ebooks And Information Products As A Homebased Business. "How To Make Huge Amounts of Money In Minimum Time With Your Own Outrageously Profitable eBook!" Order Now u "Can I Make An Ebook that will make money around the clock?" Absolutely! u "Even if I don't know a thing about an ebook and less about the Internet?" I'll show you step-by step! u "I work and don't have much time..." It only takes an ounce of time! Many choose to work part time and still bring in good earnings. Soon they realize they have surpassed their regular income and choose to go on with it full time. You have what it takes to make real money on the Internet. Yes you. And it's a lot easier than you think because right now you are about to... Discover The #1 Way To Quickly Start A Money Making Business Selling "Bits" and "Bytes" of Information! Right now you need to know that it is possible to earn a nice income online. Read on to discover how you can earn an extra $600-$800 or more a month and move on to making six-figures a year! Starting now... your financial destiny is literally in your hands to be changed. This will be the most important information you will receive this year. From: Darrell Price Author, "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" Dear Friend, If you are looking for an *uncomplicated* way to make money on the Internet that really works then read my personal message very carefully. It contains some exciting information that you will need - to not only gain the financial independence you seek - but to also create a robust income that you and your family can live on to really enjoy life. I am going to introduce you to the world of making money on the internet... selling your own profitable ebook, reports and other digital products, for enormous profits. And this, my friend, is the easiest money you will ever make without winning the lottery. I know... because this is how I make a living and I am willing to reveal my profitable system to you in every minor detail. And I will guarantee... You will never find an easier, faster, and less complicated way to quickly create passive income than selling your own simple information products. But first let me ask you? Does it take genius to make money online? Absolutely not. In fact, I'm no Einstein or computer genius. Just an ordinary guy who was caught off guard one too many times by employers who didn't care if I was instantly placed out of work. I simply decided that I didn't want to live like that anymore... Always depending on others to create income opportunities for me and my family. Sound familiar? What power or control to have over someone's life! I was so broke. So I began to ask myself, what does it take to "really" make money online? How do people become successful - almost instantly on the Internet - starting from scratch? What do they know that I don't? What are their secrets? My quest to discover the secrets to six figure earners actually began a few years prior to loosing my last job. Let me share just a little bit of what I experienced so you will know that you can succeed too. Read how... An Unemployed, Dead-Broke, Financially Busted, Average Maintenance Guy, Facing Fore-Closure, Delinquent Property Taxes, Unpaid Utilities Bills And No Hope In Sight, Used The Internet... To Quickly Get Back On His Feet And Live Again because... "I Am Convinced... If I Could Use The Internet To Make Money Under Those Conditions, Then Your Possibilities Are Enormous!" My wife and I both lost our jobs within two months of each other. What followed was a nightmare of unparalleled proportions! With property taxes due and a mortgage we could no longer pay, we eventually lost our home we had worked so hard for. During that time... all hell broke loose, the city and the mortgage company battled for quite some time over who had the rights to the home because... the city wanted to place our home up for a "Sheriff's Sale", and the Mortgage company wanted to quickly "foreclose" and find a new buyer! We had to turn to family which gave us just enough money to get a U-Haul and move out of state to my brothers home. Of course the debt followed us. I was so humiliated. Knowing we had to make money quick, we turned to the internet. There was just no way to earn the kind of income we needed to survive while waiting to get the perfect 9 to 5 job. A few friends of ours tried to turn us on to network marketing programs. Sorry, but when you're facing overwhelming circumstances like we were, the mortgage and utility companies don't want to hear "hold on" "I'm trying to build a money-making downline!" We also looked into a few mail order programs which for the most part, turned out to be nothing but hogwash. You've hear of them before such as... "Get paid to mail out 2000 envelopes and earn...?" Are you kidding? That was our grocery money! Was there any real opportunities that could bring us the financial breakthrough we desperately needed? Absolutely YES! It's just that we didn't know enough at the time. (You my new Internet friend may be exactly where I was. Keep reading to discover how close you are to your breakthrough.) After all, we'd read several books in the past on how people were verifiably going from nothing to making six figures online, but never really took it seriously... not until our combined incomes came to a screeching halt! Up to that point, I had always been fascinated with the whole internet process. I'd bought plenty of books and courses on Internet selling and marketing from the best known experts in the field, and immersed myself with the information. (I guess I could have been classified as an opportunity junkie.) But I never realized how badly I would one day come to need and apply that information... how valuable it would be to me and my family's survival... or how much money I truly could make. I basically read and studied because I loved it. It was sort of a hobby. And not because I planned to make a living from it. (How strange.) After we both lost our jobs, I pulled from the bookshelves, all the books, courses, as well as notes that I'd gathered through the years and began to dig deep - morning and night - seeking for ways to make money on the Internet. As I became absorbed with this information, one product seemed to "stand out" above all the rest in terms of enormous money-making potential, fastest rate of return, and the easiest to start with. And that my friend was selling digitally delivered information products! However, we didn't want to sell many of the outdated stuff that was already in circulation. You know the kind of books and reports on CDs that everyone is trying to sell that's nothing more than ...JUNK! So I decided to test a few ideas of my own using all the secrets I'd discovered and what resulted was A PURE MONEY-MAKING DISCOVERY OF A LIFETIME! Want proof? Click here to see a small sample of checks and orders I received this morning. Guess what? This small amount came in between the hours of midnight of last night and 9 A.M. this morning. And the day is only just beginning! Since then I have gone on to creating a number of hot selling reports and other information products that have allowed me and my family to, not only breath again, but to live a lifestyle one could only dream about. I discovered that everything I'd ever learned about making money online was indeed fantastically true... but only if you know what the "top-dogs" are doing! So how can I help you? Actually, in many ways. Because for the first time ever, I am willing to show how I got started from dead broke, to creating simple hot selling digital products online. I have laid it all on the table so you can duplicate what I have done. You will... Learn from someone who is not a self-proclaimed guru of online marketing. I am as ordinary as they come. I have no exceptional education. Never climbed any corporate ladder. Never owned a traditional business. I am... Just someone who was caught off-guard, and made the decision to never again rely upon someone else to determine my financial destiny, or to create opportunity for me and my family; and went on to making a dream income. You can too. Your first step is to get your own copy of "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" which details everything you need to start with and more. I love it when I get testimonials like the one below. You too can discover the same powerful secrets to creating profitable information products and earn a fantastic income in the process. Real Filed Testimonial: "The book is everything that's promised & More!... I am excited by what you have shared. I'm just polishing a project for this now and I can already see others to follow. Thanks for your work and efforts on behalf of writers and entrepreneurs!" Joseph M. Corrigan, Author "The Patriot's Way" Everything You Need To Know About The POW/MIA Issue. Available at www.Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, Bordersbooks.com Thousands of others are doing it right now, so don't let this opportunity to get started today zoom past you. I can help you but first you must make the decision to stop seeking for opportunities and start doing by taking the first action step forward. How? By reading this interesting report completely because... Hundreds of millions will be made on the Net this week. How much of it will you make? Not much, if any at all, if you don't take advantage of the exciting details I have prepared for you. How easy is it? Very. If you have ever written a letter to a friend, or complied a grocery list of things to buy, you have what it takes to make a fabulous living online selling your own successful digital product. What Is A Digital Product? A digital product can be an ebook, any number of special reports, or other products that have high buying appeal on the Internet that can be instantly downloaded after payment in a matter of seconds. And,... You get paid instantly after each download earning you immediate profits up to... 100% that's automatically deposited into your account! This is not a misprint! Digital products are quite simply the most profitable product selling on the Internet. I know because I am doing it! Not only that but... There are literally thousands of people right now, selling ebooks and reports making substantial profits on each and each one... ...money that you can easily make in the privacy of your own home or apartment without ever incurring any overhead expenses. The result is... you have an online business that produces pure profits because: It requires ZERO costs to deliver No inventory or mailings involved Yields EXTREMELY HIGH profit margins of 1000%! Provides you with *instant* cashflow And, because your product exists in what is called "virtual web space" it can be purchased from anywhere in the world by an unlimited number of customers! This reason alone makes it the absolute best way to make money online. For instance, a digital product can easily be produced in a matter of only a few days, using the tricks and strategies revealed in my course. Quite frankly... Here's how easy it is to make money online: You produce (or get produced) one of any number of thirteen kinds of digital products available. (Revealed in my ebook.) Your visitors visit your web page and views your product that's selling for, let's say $68. They click on the order link, fill out their credit card information, and once payment is approved (in real-time)... Your product is INSTANTLY delivered within 30 to 60 seconds! Your cost? Take a look: Shipping expenses = $0. Packaging expenses = $0. Printing expense = $0. You immediately make a $68 profit! And guess what? You didn't have to lift one finger to make the sale! You may have been out fishing, golfing, or participating in any number of leisurely pleasures. Remember...that's only one person who placed an order! What about the other tens of thousands of seeking Internet surfers who share a similar interest in your product? By placing your digitally delivered product in *their* line of fire, you are guaranteed to make money! As you can see... Your Information Product Becomes An Automatic Income Machine Producing Cash For You 24/7 And It Gets Even Better... Now that you understand how the process works, you can quickly move on to your next electronically delivered product creating multiple self-running income streams. Your digital product has the potential to sell around the clock, day and night, producing automated income streams of tens of thousands each year! You will have the financial freedom to live life the way you want because your ebook has the power to generate passive income for many years to come. Not only am I making money from the sales of my ebooks, but I am also taking in nice sums of cash using an additional strategy that I will teach you. You will learn how to not only make money on front-end sales, but also how to create a backend profit center that works on autopilot requiring no additional effort on your part. Real Filed Testimonial: This year has been the year to reinvent myself. Since 2001, I was forced to "think outside the bag" and find alternative ways of generating income. "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" was the perfect solution! It removed the fear of having no way to support myself as a single mother. The small price I paid can't be compared to what it has given me! I recommend this ebook to anyone looking for a no non-sense way to make real money on the Internet. Many thanks! Jacquelyn Nixon Others who use this technique report earning as much as $45,000 to $65,000 more a year on top of their ebook sales. Heck that's more than what some people make on their jobs all year long! What could be better than that? By now you may be asking, "Can I really make six figures a year with digital products?" It's really up to you. It depends on how far you want to go. For instance below you will find three of many ordinary people, who are making nice incomes online. You will learn how they are doing it and how you can take the first step forward towards your own six figure Internet success! Take a look: Paul Colligan - earns an impressive $250,000+ a year promoting his FrontPage information-based related website. Anthony Ellis - Muscle Gain Tips - has a one page sales letter that's earning him well over $300,000 per year in online sales by selling his knowledge of weight training. Michael Webb of Theromantic - gives advice on "how to" achieve romance in relationships. His information is earning him a handsome income of over $8, 000 a month. I could go on and on sharing successful examples like the ones above with you. But more important than that... I want to be the mentor you need to succeed and help you achieve the dream lifestyle so many others desire because... Creating your own profitable ebook, special report, and other digital products also gives you a lifestyle of freedom that other businesses don't. For instance, using the techniques contained in Six Figure Secrets of The Net, I'll show you the absolute best way to setup a "no-hands" type of business so your business runs completely automatically. You will discover the secrets to... u Producing High-Selling eBooks! u Sell Your eBooks Thousands of Times! u Quickly Create Multiple Income Streams! u Create An Automated Instant Backend Profit Center! Whether you are asleep or sipping on Champaign in the Caribbean, you can rest assured that your new 'fully automated' online business is making money for you. Take a look at these important things you will discover: How to quickly produce an info-product, or have someone do it for you, free of charge. How to instantly determine if your idea is a winner! How to price your products so you get the maximum profits. 13 of the best kinds of information products! A proven ebook outline for you to follow. 7 important questions you must answer before you release any ebook! How to spot hot online trends and quickly become an instant Six Figure Seller! (This is GOLD!) How to profit from your career knowledge, training and experience! 11 rules of profitable product positioning! 14 ways you can uncover a hot product idea! How to easily convert your ebook into HTML files to be compiled! You can realistically earn an extra $300 to $1,200 a month if you choose, or move on to earning a six-figure yearly income. The choice is really yours. The famous Texan Ross Perot was once quoted as saying, "All it takes for one to live splendidly in life is to have one idea, and a way to tell the people about it". In "Six Figure Secrets of The Net", you will discover dozens of proven ways to come up with hot selling ideas! These are not just ordinary ideas, but ideas that have a high probability of making money for you each and every time because... You will learn the absolute best way to know exactly what people are looking for online. As you may already know... "if you can supply a niche, you can get fabulously rich!" This is an absolute fact. Once you know how, it's no longer a matter of "hit and miss" but of simply connecting people to your product. Using "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" you will discover a powerful technique that I use as a "gauge" to tell if my idea is going to be an instant winner or a miserable failure. Once I know its going to be a winner, it becomes a simple matter of getting my report or ebook completed and placing it in the pathway of oncoming customers. Bottom line? You are guaranteed to make money! This simple scientific approach (that I will show you) works like a money-making magic show. I regularly correspond with people who are making $200,000 and more, that do nothing more than use the same exact strategies and techniques of "Six Figure Secrets of The Net." If others can succeed then so can you because... Everyone has valuable information that others would be willing to pay for! Whether it be tips for building a better garden, how to lose weight, how to have successful relationships, get a cheaper mortgage, secrets to buying... at lower prices, or business help and advice... you can publish it as an ebook and make enormous money on the Web! I know by now that you are probably wondering, "Why will people buy my product when they can get free information online?" Let me explain. While information is available free online, there are two main reasons why people most often choose to pay for it: Insufficient time to perform the research for themselves. Your product saves people time and money from having to search around for what they need. They know that the 'quality' of free information can't nearly be compared to that of 'paid'. Ask yourself, would you give away the best of your knowledge without charging for it? No one does. Here's the bottom line... the really successful people on the Internet all know that the money is in selling your own profit producing ebook and other informational products. The key here is "your own" - not something that has been in circulation for years - but your product which is "fresh" and "new". This is how you hit the mother-load! The people that are quietly banking thousands on the "Net" offer digital products ranging from "how to avoid divorce" to "car selling tips", to "how to land the perfect job selling..." all know this very important secret. Such is the case of... Jordan McAuley - who in 2001 turned his hobby into a highly profitable online business and generated an income of $200,000 his first year! Now YOU can get started in one of the most profitable businesses online... even if you absolutely have no experience.... Starting today! You don't have to be an expert nor spend months writing a book. I'll show you ways to get your product in a matter of a few days by picking other peoples brains! These revealing resources will even show you things like... A special resource that 'previews' how ordinary individuals started making money from day one! Two major ways you can profit from simple information products! How to use affiliate programs with your information products and create instant backend profits. The absolute best way to start with little or no money. (I know… this is how I started!) How to setup your information product and take online orders 24/7 using secure credit card orders without setup fees or monthly fees! How to upload your files. How to setup your selling, ordering, and download pages! How to quickly convert your ebook into an "executable file" that can be downloaded after payment! How to make your ebook come alive! I know a guy who sold a report that took him 2 hours to create for $10. In that year, over 2,500 people bought it, resulting in an additional $25,000 income stream from just 2 hours of 'hands-on' work! Could you use extra income like that?And guess what? That simple report will continue, along with other products he develops, to make money for him as long as the Internet exist! You can easily do the same by discovering what people really want using the tricks and techniques revealed in my ebook and... ...quickly producing your very own ebook with all the qualities of a Six Figure Winner! So get your copy and start right now by clicking here! "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" answers all the puzzling questions as to why some people make very little, when they could be making so much more! Some people create ebooks that only sell a handful. Why? Because they fall in love with their own "self-proclaimed" ideas, and do not take the time to answer these three basic questions: Is there a demand for the "topic of choice" as indicated by a large enough group of interested people? How do you know for sure? How can you know in less than 10 minutes? If so, can you find solutions or create interesting products they'd be willing to pay - at least $29 to $39 to get? Will your ebook provide "you" with a proven way to make "INSTANT" backend profits too? How do you quickly get answers so that you can move on to creating a six-figure income without wasting another day, week, or month on a loser? If you are content with only $300 to $600 a month then that's fine too. For some, that could mean a new car, or vacation money, or any number of things you have been wanting. But let me tell you something... The same time you put into an ebook that only makes mediocre profits, could be spent on one that could earn you $100,000+ income a year! And sometimes that is on the low side! I know people making from $250,000 to well over a million a year with digital products. You can duplicate their success too! Not to mention the benefits such as.. You can run your business from anywhere you choose. It does not matter if you are on the beach, or visiting relatives a thousand miles away. If you can locate a phone line, you are in business. You don't have to be a technical wiz. It's as simple as creating a personal web-page! (If you don't know how, my ebook even shows you how to get someone to do it for you FREE! Incredibly low start up costs. You don't need to print books, send out snail mail, or any of the things associated with a traditional business. Everything is done in virtual existence! You can quickly earn enormous profits from a product you create once, and sell over and over again for years to come! You have incredible profit margins. With your own digital downloadable product, you get to keep100% of all the profits! The opportunities are unlimited. There is no end to the number of ideas you can explore! You can quickly create multiple streams of income, each working like a conveyor belt bringing in cash! You won't have to pioneer new techniques or strategies to making money online because... I wrote "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" to help beginners start making money on the Internet. It's a complete step-by-step guide to starting a profitable Internet business at home. Every detail is covered with laser-like precision to get you up and making money by creating and selling your own ebook or report for massive profits. All you have to do is read it and follow the simple steps outlined to start making profits from day one. Each section takes you by the hand and shows you, in super detail, how to go from one simple idea, to your first profitable ebook. So get started today! Don't waste any more time! Plus, with your order, you will also get this exciting BONUS... How To Produce INSTANT Internet Cash! A $29.97 Value... Absolutely FREE! Are you ready to learn a simple system that could quickly place you at the fore-front of Internet success? I've experienced the POWER of the strategies contained in this bonus, and I can tell you that these strategies can create an INSTANT online profit center to the tune of over $200,000 or more! I know people who are doing it right now! It's a system that can literally be put into action within minutes of hearing about it. If your answer is "Yes, I want that kind of lifestyle too," then... "How To Produce Instant Internet Cash" is the special report you need to read immediately. In it you'll discover the secrets of how to instantly plug into a live wire of profits that is guaranteed to light your world! I explain exactly what you need to do in detail. This bonus works really well with the main course. In "How To Produce Instant Internet Cash" and my ebook, "Six Figure Secrets of The Net', you'll learn the closely guarded secrets that others are using to quickly go from one profitable venture to the next such as... A lady I am corresponding with, named Rosalind, who generates an income of $30,000 to $50,000 per month from home, from a product she doesn't even own! Another marketing marvel is Katherine, whose sales, in less than a few weeks of November 2001, is already generating $30,000+ a month in sales.... with $10,000 a month of that in pure profits! Can you see yourself making that kind of money? Of course you can. In fact, you could do even better. Who knows what your potential profit could be. It's all laid out for you in this special report.In my special report you will discover... How to use other peoples' products to your advantage! How To Instantly Spot A Hot Niche! 3 Ways You Can Get Instant Profitable Products Without Paying A Dime! The Easiest And Fastest Way To Get Thousands Of People To Promote Your Site For You! How To Instantly Become A Supplier of What People Are Searching For Online, Using Systems That Are Already In-Place! How To Instantly Create Back-End Profits - Automatically Every Week! As you read this special report, you will come to discover how Six Figure Earners move from one profitable idea to the next to create Internet Empires almost overnight. I am surprised more people are not aware of this. Imagine what your life would be like if you had the power to create instant Internet businesses that could make $50,000 to $100,000 or more each year? This is probably one of the most powerful concepts on the Internet. Once you understand the concept behind this, you too will be able to soar beyond your wildest money making dreams because...It simply works! This is not some fluke or fantasy. But a real discovery that others are also using to create online wealth. And now more than ever, more and more people are jumping onboard. Order today and find out just how easy it can be to make money on the net. The concepts in this report are easy to understand. You won't be provided with a lot of fluff, but a real, practical approach that works almost like magic. Although it is really not magic at all. It's just valuable information that select Internet circles have chosen to keep to themselves. However, I am spilling the beans! I produced this special report as a double-edged sword compliment to "Six Figure Secrets of The Net." You'll understand the concept within 30 minutes and will be able to start the same day. Not to mention, you are backed by my 100% money-back guarantee if you are not thrilled with what you will discover! By now your mind is churning with hot new ideas so get started today! How can you get started? Easy. “Six Figure Secrets of The Net" has a fair market value of $167 dollars. However, since you are reading my offer, that tells me you are serious about making money. So here's what I am going to do... You can get the complete $167 dollar main course, "Six Figure Secrets of The Net" and the exciting $29.97 bonus, "How To Create Instant Internet Cash" for one low incredible payment of only $23.00 if I receive your order by document.write(dateString(new Date())) . At this price I am practically giving it away! Why am I do this? For two reasons: This holiday season I want you to get your hands on the best gift you will ever receive this year and at a savings of over 70%. You save $173.97 if you had to pay the fair market value for both the course and the special report! (My holiday gift to you.) I truly believe you can succeed with a mentor. Because you have read this far, I am extending my personal invitation to become your personal cashflow mentor in print. But it's only available at this low price ONLY during the holiday season. Afterwards I reserve the right to quickly raise the price of your course if I don't receive your order by document.write(dateString(new Date())) . So click below and get started today! You are only seconds away from the start of your very own profitable ebook. Not only that, but you are backed by my… 100% Unconditional 90 Day Money Back Guarantee! I'm so sure that you'll be 100% satisfied that I'm going to take all the risk for you. Here's the deal. When you purchase the ebook at the minimal cost of $23 you have three full months to test it. You can take your time, test the strategies, and see for yourself if this is everything I said and more. If for any reason you're not totally and completely satisfied, I want you to request a full refund. I'll personally give you back every penny and you get to keep the $29.97 bonus! Fair enough? It's totally risk free! Hurry... this is your last chance. You must order today to receive the special holiday discount! Get started today. Don't waste any time because... Your brain is packed full of ideas that are waiting to be turned into profitable info products so get started now! Get the most complete updated guide to creating profitable digital products ever at a low price guarantee of $23 by downloading your copy today! There's a multi-million dollar market out there! How much of it will you make this week? Start Turn Your 'Ideas' Into Instant Internet Profits By Downloading Your Own Personal Copy Without Delay! You could be reading this exciting manual within seconds! To get started simply click here. We use the secure services of ClickBank to process customer orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once payment has been approved, you will be automatically routed to our download page where you can then download "Six Figure Secrets of The Net". Your download will take approximately 3 minutes. Click Here To Download Your Copy! INSTANT ACCESS Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server... Grab your share of the money that will be made online this week - now! I look forward to mentoring you. To your success, Darrell D. Price. P.S. Everyone has knowledge that others would want to know more about and are willing to pay for it. Using my system, I will show you how to create simple digital products or get others to do it for you free, and sell it to thousands of people all over the Internet - even in foreign countries! P.P.S. Remember, you get the entire course valued at $167 plus the bonus valued at $29.97 at a holiday savings cost of $23.00, if you place your order by document.write(dateString(new Date())) . That's less than what you'd spend on a breakfast buffet but has the power to give you so much more in return. Your satisfaction is guaranteed which means you get to use the entire course to your complete satisfaction without risking one cent, so take action now! Click here to get started today! My 100% guarantee means you get to use it risk free on my dime. Note: If you produce one simple profitable report using the strategies and techniques in my course, it will dwarf the small price you paid. For the latest tips and tricks on how to INSTANTLY tap into Internet profits, sign up for my FREE newsletter "Six Figure News." To subscribe just click here and then click send! (Your email address will never be shared with anyone except you and I.) Cashflow Mentors 2910 E. 97th. Court South, Suite 601 Tulsa, OK 74137 Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved. Affiliate Cash Program!