Professional Autoresponders Client Login: Dramatically increase your sales potential by using autosenders to deliver your messages to your prospects. Get a Free AUTOSENDER NOW! Follow-up messages will dramaticly increase your sales! If you are advertising your product, imagine the time it would take for you to answer each reply manually. You can BOOST your sales by sending automatic follow-ups. It's a fact that most potential customers don't buy after just one message. It can take as many as 7 or 8 messages to convince some customers. How much time would that take you to do it manually? AUTOSENDERS Auto-Responder will do it for you FREE!!! You can provide your customer with information instantly and send follow-up messages at regular intervals in the days to follow. Don't waste your time sending your info manually. Your autosenders auto-responder can be doing this for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. How does it work? Your potential client will send a blank email to your Auto-Responder and will receive your first message within minutes. At pre-set intervals your follow-up messages will also be delivered. You will receive an email everytime someone requests info from your auto-responder containing your new prospects name and email address. Sign-up now for your FREE version. Free or pro versions available. Join our affiliate program and receive 50% commission on all pro sign ups. You get your own unique website to promote. Privacy policy: Your email address will never be given or sold to any other party. © 2000-2003 All Rights Reserved. autosenders features: Free sign-up Fully automatic Unlimited prospects Timed follow-ups Email notification Automatic subscribe Automatic removal Manual subscribe Manual removal Unlimited message size Save hours of your time Increase sales potential