Attune To Your Higher Self "I've been a true advocate and student of Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Deepak Chopra. But The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is a powerful and energetic course that will transform you and give you a better insight of the magic of life. Five stars out of five!" Michael Berggren, Wiesbaden, Germany Mystic Ph.D Researcher Announces Amazing Discovery: "New Breakthrough! Secret Spiritual System Blends Ancient/Modern Wisdom To Easily Contact Your Higher Self Today..." How To Enjoy True Peace, Happiness And Life Purpose, AND Rapidly Disintegrate All Obstacles Frustrating Your Most Cherished Dreams... PLUS 26 Weekly Coaching Sessions FREE, To Fully Guarantee Your Success... "What is required by people like myself is a written reference source that can be continually accessed to provide the needed guidance. This is provided for in your course, and I am gaining a deeper sense of purpose in my life. Thank you again for providing this guidance for society, which is very much required at this moment within the Aquarian cycle" Steve Greenway, Warwickshire, United Kingdom Dear Seeker, I'm excited to reveal to you an amazing spiritual system that can rapidly put you in contact with the infinite wisdom within your heart. So, if you've always craved inner spiritual wisdom and outer material prosperity, but life's daily grind has kept you forever grounded, this could be the most important letter you ever read... Here's what it's about... Everyone wants joy, happiness and life purpose. But the problem is, most people are looking in all the wrong places. Career. Money. Relationships. Power. Yet, esoteric teachings claim all answers lie within you. They describe a secret jewel inside within the heart. The treasure of infinite value. The divine essence called... The Higher Self. "From your inspirational course, I have learned to truly "let go" and let that power within me take its course, and now I am more abundant in the area of finances, spirituality, and mental capability. I literally tripled the amount I was making this time last year! ( I had a job where I was barely making enough to help my family and myself and now I am able to help myself, family, and those less fortunate than myself). In the areas of spiritual and mental, people around me have benefited from the words of wisdom I share with them, and the testimony I share with them regarding my life. This course has given me insight on many things! Thank you, and many blessings to you." Natalie Manning, Bennettsville, SC Here are some glimpses of what your life would be like if you could access this Higher Self... You're tuned to Divine Spirit. Whenever you need the perfect answer for any life situation, you simply turn within. Without fail, you receive the wise guidance you need. The days of watching others make spiritual strides, whilst you stand still – a prisoner of your everyday circumstances – are gone. The Higher Self perspective leaves you calm, peaceful and resourceful; no matter what your external circumstances may be. You can't remember the last time you worried about anything. In fact, you've become an inspiration to others. Your friends now come to YOU for advice. You're not disheartened by others boasting of superior visions, or debating complex metaphysical questions, with that know-it-all attitude. In touch with the Source of All, you've nothing to prove! You go within for all your guidance. Abundance flows to you - emotional, material, financial and spiritual. You're as wealthy as you decide to be. If you need money, it finds its way to you. Paying bills, financial lack, "making a living"? History. The secret of manifesting what you need, as you need it, is yours... This may sound like an absurd fantasy. It shouldn't. All this IS possible for you. It's your birthright. But if so, why don't you know it already?... Revealed: The Inner Enemy Ripping Abundance From ALL Areas Of Your Life... Call it the World System, or the Ego. Whatever. The simple fact is, there's an enemy inside you! Your mental focus is subtly spellbound by externals– the material world and its attractions. So, your attention is cleverly stolen away from the ONLY thing that is eternal and unchanging – your Higher Self. You may well agree - spirituality and inner growth ARE important. But then, you doubtless spend the day worrying about paying the bills. Yet, the subtle inner levels are where ALL Causes are ultimately created! As a result, there's no obvious way to make the personal breakthroughs you dream of. Others seem to make tremendous progress in their growth. But for you, progress is slower than you'd like.... Yet, you are special, and you have unique insights into the world. Sometimes, you even despair of it. Commercialism. War. Self-interest. Ecological disaster. Too little concern about spiritual things. Your insights run deep, and they often trouble you. You burn to find your purpose fast. To develop your unique inner gifts for the good of all. To make a difference. And that's why esoteric teachings matter so much to you. But those negative inner forces seem so strong. They limit you all the time. And as the years slip by, with little progress to show, it worries you. It feels like you're falling behind. When you make comparisons with others, you may secretly ask yourself, "What's wrong with me?" Nothing's wrong. Things unfold in life when the time is right. And the time is right for you now... Introducing A Powerful Integrated System For Contacting Your Inner Wisdom The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self gives you simple effective strategies to break free forever from the deadlock holding you down. You'll gain complete abundance and empowerment; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. If you take these golden secrets to heart, and use them consistently, you'll transform your life into a shining jewel; the wonder of all who know you. "Oh, really?", I hear you say. "I've read a ton of these books, and attended more seminars than I remember. So what makes this so different?"... "On starting to read The 7 Golden Secrets, I just knew that this was what I had been looking for. Over the last few years I have read many books & it was as if everything previously read & learned began to come together & make sense - the course, in its simplicity, was just the perfect key. I always used to feel guilty wanting to be on my own so the section on solitude was perfect - no longer do I feel guilty. I have also started to journal... I finally understood the connection & relevance of Journaling & now it is so much part of my daily life. I particularly liked the section on visualizing & since applying positive goals & directions to my life, my personal achievements have been amazing to put it mildly." Lynda Smith, South Australia First: This course is an integrated system. It's not some ramshackle collection of "touchy-feely" contradictions. All the parts work together synergistically , like the power-packed training system for a Michael Jordan. Clearly, this took exhaustive research. You're getting the essence of thousands of years of wisdom, from the world's greatest spiritual and personal development masters. Ramana Maharshi, Buddha, Blavatsky and others. Traditions like Theosophy, Buddhism, Meditation, Mind-Body Science, Yoga, Esoteric Christianity, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and more. I've extracted the core of these teachings for you in the course. It definitely works, because it's based on timeless wisdom, but made accessible and practical for you. Some of the strategies revealed are rarely mentioned anywhere else. Second: The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self combines Ancient Wisdom's secrets with dynamite strategies of the modern success coaches. People like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra and others. These teachers have spent years transforming lives from despair to joy. It's not just stuff that sounds nice. These guys get RESULTS. So, combine their best ideas with the power of Ancient Wisdom, and you get a system guaranteed to (a) expand your imagination of what's possible for you AND (b) enable you to achieve it too. Third: The system you'll learn is simple and effective. You don't need a Ph.D in Esoteric Spirituality. You don't need to be superhuman, a genius, or a hermit. The bottom line is: YOU CAN DO THIS! That's important. Much of the stuff out there simply isn't practical for normal people. You'd need to become a monk and disappear into the Himalayas! But this system is tailored to the lives of busy people like you. And it's especially designed to clean out the parts other courses can't reach; the imbedded "dirt under the rim", so to speak! The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is packed with effective strategies for dealing effectively with the negative part of yourself, that hidden inner enemy we spoke about, that prevents you from achieving your dreams. However, if you're doubtful this system really can transform your life, read this... How You Can Be Certain This Course Delivers 100% On Its Promises... My name is Asoka Selvarajah. You may know me as the publisher of the monthly internet ezine, Aspire To Wisdom. It's transforming the lives of literally thousands of people in many different ways. But don't take my word for it. Read a small selection of the many comments I receive all the time: "Thank God I received your ezine again! I'm an artist and it helps me a lot in all the areas of my life, especially with my creativity. Your articles inspired me a lot because the world of an artist is a difficult one. Sometimes one stands before a canvas not knowing which way to go or if it's the right direction and get discouraged with one's self. Is there when I read you and I get the courage to go on, to start again, to set higher goals, to visualize my success and so on. They also activate my imaginations and widen my horizon. Thank you!" Maria Guarin, Bogotá, Colombia "I love your ezine. They (the emails) seem to always come at the right time. It seems like whatever obstacle I am confronting on my path, you mention it in the newsletters (example, Goal-Setting, money matters, etc) I am really looking forward to your course on the Higher Self." Gabriel Morales, San Jose, California "I would like to thank you for the wonderful e-zine that you have developed. I look forward to it every month, and get quite exited when I see that it has arrived, read it, print it and file it for reference." Lynette Caithness, Knysna, SA My E-Book, Inner Light Outer Wealth, has been read by literally thousands. One reader benefited so much, he translated it into Russian, for the members of his spiritual group there! My articles have been published in Phenomenews, Michigan's premier New Age magazine. And I've been published in dozens of ezines/websites on the internet, including the website of New Age Journal. My work has also been featured on radio, such as the Sydney Australia show, Out There. The point is, people are experiencing more empowerment and spiritual peace in their lives from these teachings. And so can you. This isn't theoretical stuff for academic boffins. In The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self, I share a practical integrated system for spiritual growth. To gain many of the insights you'll be learning, I travelled to the world's power centers – Egypt, Peru, Mexico, India, Israel and more. I've visited the ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi, India's renowned enlightened sage. And been privileged to have a personal audience with the Shankaracharya of South India - the "Pope" of Hinduism, and considered by many to be a living god. In addition, you'll get many valuable insights from Science (I have a Physics Ph.D) – right from Chaos Theory through to Jungian Dream Analysis. Science and Metaphysics are moving ever closer, and it's valuable for you to grasp of their interconnection. It's gently and enjoyably woven into the course. So let's get down to talking about what you'll be learning... How To Harness THE single most powerful force in the Universe - Your Mind... "I'm on Chapter 8 of your awesome course and I'm eager to establish consistency with my spiritual practices in quest for the God in me. You've really done an awesome job of laying the ground work to understanding why journalizing, meditation and visualization are vital to restore peace and balance in one's life and I thank you again." Angela Jones, Brooklyn, NY Thoughts are things. They create your future. Everything in Creation arose through Thought. But are YOU aware of this immense power you possess? Do you know how to use it to best effect?... The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self shows you how. You're taught how to easily manifest what you desire, through the power of thought. You get to be the creator of your destiny. Imagine bidding farewell to everything that's held you back from expressing your fullest potential. Joy and Abundance will always be with you, despite all the trials of life. The course reveals who the Higher Self really is, and why it's crucial you achieve union with it. When you discover who you really are, you'll gasp at the universe of potential lying deep within. You'll realize why living life the ego's way is not in your best interest. Surprising? Not really. With the Higher Self as guide, your life unfolds as it was intended to. And you achieve the happiness, peace and purpose you've missed for so long. The Power Of Focused Thought Can Manifest ALL You Desire In Your Life TODAY! Here's a profound but simple secret... The key to spiritual success is Intent – Focused Will. All great Masters know this. As Napoleon Hill, author of the book Think And Grow Rich (which helped create more millionaires than any other), once said: "What the mind of Man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Successful entrepreneurs know how to create a goal and work towards it. That's how they achieve so much so fast. But can their strategies be just as powerful in the spiritual field? Definitely! So, here's what you'll learn: 1. How to successfully use goal-setting techniques in your spiritual practice (Learn key secrets to focusing your Thought and Will - it's like sitting on a Saturn V rocket heading straight for your dreams). "Before reading The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self, I was quick to judge others, and quick to make any decisions. After reading it and practicing the meditation techniques I noticed a calmer inner self. No more judging and all my important decisions are now made THROUGH meditating. Thank you so very much for helping me on my journey through this lifetime of mine.." Diana Whery, Reading, PA 2. SPECIFICALLY WORDED goal statements to draw the Higher Self ever deeper into your life. (Use them and feel the joy of creating spiritual results fast. Correctly harnessed Intent and Thought, MUST create maximum results from your inner work. Without strenuous effort, and in much less time). 3. A beautiful visualization to access a sacred place - an oasis of calm and tranquillity - and escape from the hell of a harrowing day. (Go there whenever you wish, and be nurtured in a place of perfect inner harmony). 4. A powerful 4-step method to easily tap into the power of your inner mind and attract anything you want into your life. (Use it to boost your spiritual growth, create the abundance mindset to attract financial riches, experience previously unknown levels of happiness and joy, or whatever else you most earnesly desire from life). Your friends will see all the dramatic changes you've achieved, and will desire the same for themselves. Best of all, these techniques bring out your special insights, and give them full expression. But there's still more... Click Here If You'd Rather Order The 7 Golden Secrets RIGHT NOW! (Important Note: This is an E-Book - a downloadable file. It is NOT a physical book.) Have Your Own "Conversations With God" Today- True Guidance For All Life Situations. Perhaps you've read books like Conversations with God, A Course In Miracles, and the Seth and Lazaris material? And they just leave you wishing you could get answers as easily as these people seem to... Well, you can... You won't necessarily hear voices, or find your hand writing automatically (although you may!). And it may not be Channelling. But you WILL learn exactly how to receive the guidance you most need. The ideas are based on the noblest teachings of Ancient Wisdom. Here's what you'll learn: "I just want to tell you that your e-book The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self has transformed my life for ever. I thank God for putting your e-book on my path towards a more spiritual and happier life. For the past five years I've been in an intense search for the truth, for what I call God, and I strongly feel that this e-book has transformed my life. I have printed it out and have it next to my bed and every day before I go to bed, I randomly read one of its pages and meditate on it. I love it with all my heart because every time I read it, I feel like God is talking to me." Nabor L. Saldivar, Sacramento, California How to distinguish the ONE true voice of the Higher Self from the many other voices within. Be forewarned about potential misguidance from false voices. Learn a sure way to recognize your Higher Self, without fear of wrong guidance. Always go direct to Source. As a result, your life will move on a positive spiral in spiritual AND material matters. Joy, peace and sense of purpose then emerge. The one common attitude guaranteed to totally destroy your link to the Higher Self. Do you make this mistake every day? Learn what it is and how to eliminate it. Doing so will ensure you enjoy a deep relationship with Source. Experience guidance and peace continually, not sporadically. Two proven methods of commencing the inner dialogue with the Higher Self today. Speed your progress for inner dialogue with simple methods taught by highly revered Spiritual Masters. Learn why Cognitive Dissonance is a sure sign you're making tremendous spiritual progress. Drive desired positive changes deep into your being, whilst eradicating all your deep-seated obstacles. You don't have to go off to a monastery either. A full spiritual education is available right where you are. The life you're living is nothing less than a university degree course in spiritual practice. Here's why... How To Overcome Recurring Life Problems & Go From Victory To Victory In Your Personal Growth... Do the same problems keep repeating in your life? New place. New people. SAME problem! Many people experience this, and there's a definite reason for it. But to break that vicious cycle, you need to know what's really going on... In ancient days, there were places of learning called Mystery Schools. Here, chosen initiates underwent intense esoteric training. They mastered subtle energies and travelled inner realms. They gained complete mastery of themselves, and were possessed of amazing powers. " I have found your 7 Golden Secrets course to be very practical in that it gave me insight into things that I have been studying for a long time. It reaffirmed a lot of things about meditation and success that I had questions about or wasn't sure of. Thanks for a great course filled with knowledge and practical tools to use." A. Patrick Desrosier, Beale, CA Under the guidance of your Higher Self, your life, and everyone in it, is a Mystery School of the highest order! Everything that happens to you is a deliberate lesson, created by your Higher Self. By consciously entering this Mystery School, you'll gain maximum benefit from your everyday life experiences. When you understand this and apply it, you'll make rapid progress in your life. Understandings known to very few can be yours. Imagine transforming difficult people/situations into priceless lessons for spiritual growth! You'll not only gain a new outlook on problems, and how to deal with them. Your life becomes genuinely free. Going forward to new opportunities with a happy heart. Those repetitive negative issues will be dead forever. But you'll also benefit from EVERY life situation from now on. No matter how challenging. Here are just some of the key secrets (amongst many others) revealed to you in this chapter alone: The MOST powerful visualization ever for karmic purification of thought, word and deed. Just this one method alone will cleanse you of ALL negative psychic debris dragging you down. Be spiritually fit, liberated from fears of any kind. How the Astrological description of Mystery Schools reveals the hidden truth behind your daily challenges. Discover the esoteric significance of your star sign, and gain insight into your specific task in this life. Discover the ONE and ONLY purpose you really have. Simplify your entire spiritual quest - focus on the ONE thing that really matters. Gain inner peace and spiritual growth FAST, totally untroubled by what others around you do. The power of ancient myths and legends - their direct relevance to your life. Discover how metaphor, symbol and myth pervade every part of your life. See the symbolism and teaching behind the most everyday events, challenges, & obstacles. Feel empowered and in control of all that happens to you. How to use Evocation and Invocation in your spiritual quest. Access spiritual masters and ancient ashrams to accelerate your progress still further. Why viewing your life as dramatic fiction can totally transform you in every way. Be careful what you wish for! Learn how you often unwittingly call down hellfire upon yourself!! This insight alone can save you much suffering. In the Mystery School chapter, you'll delve into closely guarded secrets of the past; secrets the initiates swore an oath of death they'd never reveal! And one of those secret keys is the power of Dreams... How To Discover The Divine Guidance Lying Hidden In Your Dreams Dreams are a powerful way for the Higher Self to communicate directly with you. Famous Psychologist C.G. Jung spent his life studying tens of thousands of them. And what he discovered proves that a higher intelligence really does speak to us while we sleep. For millennia, shamans and mystics have been saying the same thing. That's why The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self gives strong emphasis to using dreams to access spiritual treasure! We start from the beginning. Even if you can't remember your dreams, the 3-step process you're given is perfect. Everybody dreams. But not everyone remembers their dreams. With the help of this simple technique, you will! The stimulation this gives your creativity and intuition alone will cause them to flourish in every area of your life. "I have been inspired by the Solitude chapter, but like most people, lead a busy life. Upon contemplation, I realized that I spend little time in nature. Now at night before retiring to bed, I go outdoors, lay down on the grass and just marvel at the stars. Prior to this I had trouble getting to sleep but this practice de-stresses and relaxes me allowing to rapidly drift off to sleep night after night. This is just an example of the many simple, realistic and effective ideas conveyed in the The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self. Brian Spicer, Wodonga, Australia And there's more... 1) Easy dream interpretation methods to use in your waking life to gain profound insights possible in no other way. (Whether asleep or awake, you'll be learning and growing as you come to see the Higher Self at work everywhere). 2) Uncover the explosive wisdom of Jungian Archetypes to finally understand the guidance of dreams and of the Higher Self (Research results based on tens of thousands of dreams will be yours to benefit from). 3) Discover all about your recurring dream characters , and the guidance they're desperately trying to get through to you! (Hint: they often reveal your key "blind spots" to you. Hence, heeding their advice ensures that your life flows more smoothly and peacefully.) 4) Recognize which dreams predict the future! Only certain kinds do, and you need to know which is which (Imagine receiving vital information about your life direction. Or your loved ones. Or a crucial warning about potential disaster. This has to happen just once to make all your work with dreams worthwhile!) However, dreams are only one entrance to inner realms. For lasting inner change, you need something more... Meditation Took The Buddha To Enlightenment - You Can Do The Same... If you've never meditated before, you're in for a real treat. And even if you've had prior experience, you'll still find the many advanced tips and specific meditations in the course invaluable. "Your course, The 7 Golden Secrets to Knowing your Higher Self, has been the inspiration in my life to help me: - find Inner Peace, - to appreciate the 'still points' and to show gratitude - to realise that Love surrounds us and; above all, - motivated me to find out my purpose here on this Journey!" Mary Duff, Roodepoort, South Africa What are the benefits of regular Meditation?... (1) Improved mental focus and better physical health; (2) Your connection to Spirit is strengthened no end; (3) Many of the medical markers measuring physical aging slow down, and some even reverse!; (4) Spiritually, meditation creates the Antakarana; the rainbow bridge between your waking consciousness and the Higher Self. As Deepak Chopra, M.D writes: "Several studies conducted by scientists... have shown that meditation may in fact induce profound change, far beyond the simple relaxation that most people use it for in the West, even beyond the medical applications of relieving stress, reducing blood pressure, and so on." Quantum Healing, by Deepak Chopra M.D. Indeed, meditators report unprecedented levels of inner peace and tranquillity. And the inner power to totally reorient their lives. The course will show you how to: Transform your consciousness through the power of Mantra. Learn to use the power of sound through these ancient mantras. Strengthen your physical and non-physical bodies. Bypass the conscious mind to access higher states. Create an excellent environment for your meditation. Simple steps to ensure you're perfectly set up to gain maximum benefit from your meditation practice. Clear negativity with this powerful meditation. Dispel your fears and obstructions with one simple meditation. Fill yourself with positivity, love, and peace. Let them flow into every area of your life. Set yourself up for success - physically, emotionally, mentally, financially AND spiritually. But that's only the beginning. Because I go even further - beyond meditation - and reveal to you... No! I've Heard Enough. I Want To Click Here & Order Right Now... (Important Note: This is an E-Book - a downloadable file. It is NOT a physical book.) The Great Secret Of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed & ALL the Spiritual Masters... Here's a fascinating fact. There is ONE thing ALL the great Spiritual Masters of history have in common. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Sri Ramana Maharshi. They may differ in ethnic background, language, religion, and more. But they all did ONE key thing in common, prior to emerging with a massive inner power that totally changed the world... If you can't guess what it is (and I'm NOT going to tell you here!), the secret's revealed in The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self... "I have now read through The 7 Golden Secrets three times and each time I pick up a little titbit that I missed. I think one of the biggest areas that has helped me is pointing to the references that you have in the course. Through the references, I have read a few more books, and then through these I find even more books to read. The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is filled with practical applications for meditation, a great chapter giving the benefits of I Ching. I find the course easy to read and reference it many times to answer questions." Chris Givens, Alberta Canada It's covered in depth because it's so powerful. A very simple practice that can unfold riches in every area of your life. Just as it did for the Spiritual Masters of old. The more you put this secret to work, the more your self esteem rises, and the more easily you attract what you most desire in life. The deep healing you'll enjoy, and increased contact with your inner depths, leads to wisdom and a focused life purpose. You're sceptical that one simple practice can be so powerful? Well, it worked for Thomas Edison – the world's greatest inventor! And for many other people in history too. So, by learning from their example, you can also apply this method to your life. With this ONE secret alone, you can overcome the challenges of life, and manifest all you most desire, with relative ease. You'll see improvements in ALL your relationships and daily activities, thereby making you more efficient in all you do. Indeed, you can also use this secret for material gain, and achieve serious wealth and financial independence. Don't think you're too busy to apply this secret either! I'll show you simple ways to allow it into even the busiest life. That includes YOU - even if you think you've NO time to spare. The Precious Spiritual Gold Slipping Through Your Fingers EVERY DAY! It's said that "A life worth living is a life worth recording". A journal of your life, recording the essential teachings you're receiving, is essential to spiritual growth. It stimulates the feedback process between everyday consciousness and your Higher Self. Without a journal, you're allowing spiritual gold to slip away unvalued. And using a journal gives you extraordinary insights about your life; insights that benefit you in more ways than you can imagine. Dr. Douglas Baker, esoteric lecturer and author of over 100 books, states that a spiritual journal: "...lays down a channel for the transmission of advice and direction from the Higher Self that can bring about a transformation of the personality, its attachments and limitations."The Spiritual Diary, by Dr. Douglas Baker. That's why the The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self reveals the 9 vital sections your spiritual journal must have. With these in place, you'll have the most effective journal system possible. And you'll see the many ways your Higher Self speaks throughout your life. You'll learn how to use all the input from your life for growth. Your life will increasingly make sense as an integrated whole. Plus, you'll build up a invaluable record of your inner and outer experiences, which you can continually refer to, thereby gaining ever deeper insights. As you use this revolutionary journal system, the hidden guidance you're receiving all the time will explode into your consciousness like a supernova. You'll live life with zest, dynamism and laughter. Your life purpose will become totally clear. And you'll enjoy more calmness, confidence and self-assurance as a result. And that leads onto revealing to you... Why Living "In The Now" Leads To Enlightenment.... At work, play or at home, the mind is always somewhere else. Roaming. Daydreaming. Grumbling. Living in the past or the future. Hardly ever in the present moment. Yet, developing a living awareness of the present moment is key to working with the Higher Self. So, The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self gives you a wealth of Mindfulness techniques. Here are some of the valuable benefits you'll gain: "Since I have started keeping a journal as suggested in The 7 Golden Secrets course, I find that I am making much more conscious decisions about the steps I take to achieve my goals. And just looking back at what I have written, I see that I have accomplished a lot more than I might have thought. Thank you!" Jean Wahls, Palm Harbor, FL 1) 4 simple Mindfulness techniques you can use ANYWHERE to gain control of your emotions and habitual actions. (Be more in control of yourself; aware, focused and concentrated. Living in the NOW, without needless fears about the past or future). 2) How the mystic exercise of Dis-identification will awaken you to who you really are, by making you aware of all that you are not! 3) How to develop lasting Peace, Joy and Tranquillity whatever the turbulent circumstances of your daily life. 4) Discover and heal your internal psychological complexes. (Don't have any? Actually, we all do. Whatever the cause, they're holding you back from your fullest potential) By applying Mindfulness teachings, you'll gain awareness of the deep structures within your psyche that shape your whole life. You'll learn to gently neutralize negative tendencies, and win mastery over yourself at all times. Through this simple practice, the fragmented parts of yourself are gradually integrated. Where they once worked against you, now they'll all pull together. Self-sabotage is destroyed, and you get to live a life of total freedom! A University Course On Practical Spirituality In One Volume! "Your course, The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self, was a marvel in reminding me to rise above the "illusion" of the now, and the problem. Your course has made a difference at this moment in time. If for no other reason (but I assure you there exist so MANY grand points!), your course made me think, "What if this could be?"... WELL done!" Becky Ruff, Anaconda, Montana The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self covers so much, it's like attending an Ancient Mystery School. And it's very practical, designed for YOU – right where you are now. Unlike many personal development courses on the market, this is something that will work for YOU. There are many roads up the same mountain; all of them eventually reaching the summit. And in The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self, you're given an excellent roadmap. It leads you surely to the very top. In fact, there's so much in the course, we haven't room to discuss it all here. For instance... Mystical Secrets The "New Age Gurus" Don't Want Published! Many "spiritual gurus" give you just enough information to come back for more of their books and tapes! The key is to bait you to come back and buy more. But in The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self, there's nothing held back. You'll learn all you need to reach to your inner core, where the true answers lie. For instance, here are still more life-changing secrets you'll discover: The 4 major causes of spiritual distortion in religion. Why conventional religions fail to meet your spiritual needs, and leave millions of people spiritually shipwrecked. Avoid these mistakes in your own life! The Eastern Guru tradition and the Guru Within You. Do you really need an external guru/teacher? Uncover the pros and cons of seeking an external teacher over working with your inner guru – the Higher Self. The only REAL measure of how much spiritual progress you're making. Learn the ONE clear way to assess your progress. Remain forever encouraged about your inner progress despite the spiritual chatter of the "gurus" around you. 4 reasons why living purely from Ego produces fragmentation and separation. How the ego wreaks havoc with your life and soul purpose - and why a spiritual approach is the only antidote. Why Dualism is at the heart of the world's problems, and how to eradicate it from your life. The vital role of Belief and Expectation on the spiritual path, and why you cannot succeed at ANYTHING without them. Discover how to build them into your spiritual journey and ensure your long-term success. The power of self-referential thinking. How to let go of making comparisons with others - and why it is vital you do so. You'll definitely want to study the course over and over, at different stages in your growth. You'll learn something new to help you each time. It's that powerful. I'm Convinced! I Want The Course NOW! Let's CLICK To Order... (Important Note: This is an E-Book - a downloadable file. It is NOT a physical book.) IMPORTANT - Special Low Price AND 3 Superb FREE Bonuses. But These Could End Tomorrow... How much is your investment for The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self course? Well, the regular price is $59.97. It's an excellent deal at that price. But, for a strictly limited time only... your investment is just $39.97 Why this special low price? Because we're doing price/sales research at these price levels. However, I fully expect this discount to end imminently. So, you need to act now to secure this special low price. "I will have to honestly say without a doubt that not only has your work been GOD-SEND, to myself and others, on a high level of spirit, but you have opened my third eye so I am able to assist others in transition, and also help and heal myself.... The GODS have given you Fate, and you choose well for all of mankind to partake, of the enormous energy and wisdom that has been granted to you. You learned the lesson well; to give back to the masses." Ibilola Quarles, Fort Pierce, Florida Compared to the price of one-, two-, or three-day seminars, where you’ll often learn much less, $39.97 is chicken feed. And to get the same information packed into this course, you’d easily have to spend ten times that amount. The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is a detailed course on spiritual development. Perfectly paced. A treasure trove of wisdom to attract all the abundance you’ve missed out on. What's the cost to your life if you don't take this step? You'll continue doing the same things, and you’ll get exactly the same results. But if you want to break the world system’s delusory spell – to blast away the shackles enslaving your full potential - you have to do something different. Ordering this course is that "something different". So, with all this to gain, and nothing to lose, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t order right now.... But wait. Before you do, I’ve three big FREE surprises for you... FREE Surprise No. 1: If you order in the next 3 days, I’ll include a copy of the report How To Develop Inner Confidence, Esteem & Empowerment – Overcoming Inner Roadblocks To Attain The Life You Dream Of. Experts agree. Most of our problems arise from low self-esteem and fear. We under-achieve, and look outside ourselves for the blame. But the real cause is within. So, this impactful report is the perfect complement to The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self. It teaches you practical strategies to incinerate those things you unknowingly do (or don’t do) that keep you stuck. There are seminars and books on self-esteem, and the typical audio tape seminar costs $60 or more. So, that’s what this report is worth, at the very minimum. But why spend the money? You get it FREE when you order The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self! But, you must order within the next 3 days in order to secure this FREE report. FREE Surprise No. 2: You also get a six-month e-mail coaching ezine based on the The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self. It's available only to buyers of the course. You won't get it any other way. Each week, The Golden Secrets ezine will take an idea from the course and expand on it, giving you ever deeper insights into the teachings. Plus, I'll keep you posted on some of the best resources available online and offline to accelerate your personal growth. The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing You Higher Self , when combined with this in-depth weekly coaching, will blast away your spiritual obstacles like 100 sticks of dynamite detonating inside a straw shack! The value of 26-weeks of e-mail coaching is at least $60, and probably more. However, you'll get it included FREE, when you order. FREE Surprise No. 3: I've saved the best until last. You get three valuable e-mail consultation certificates, to consult personally with me (valid for one full year after your purchase) included FREE. Your course The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self has benefited me immensely. Certain false core beliefs have been eliminated, or now have less power for me. Through the meditation techniques, life has become less stressful and more enjoyable. Of course this is not a book that you read and then put on the bookshelf. I still learn something new and worthwhile from your excellent book every day. Frans Leeflang, London, UK. This means you can contact me with up to three questions/problems relating to the course, and I will give you my very best answer. For each session, you can also follow-up my answer with one more e-mail, if you feel you need more clarification. What's the dollar value of these sessions? Well, let's just say that I am not normally available for consultancy at ANY price. That's my personal lifestyle choice. However, if I were, you'd be looking at one hundred dollars an hour minimum. Probably more. So, each consultancy is worth $25 minimum (assuming 15 minutes or so to answer your question). And, you get three of them! Total value: $75. This will give you the critical PERSONAL attention you may need as you work through the material. So, use the consultancies carefully, and please respect my time. But I am there for you, when you need my help. IMPORTANT: This is a strictly limited opportunity and you need to take action NOW. This personal consultation bonus could be pulled at any time. In fact, it almost certainly will be! I may get overwhelmed with these e-mails, or I may just stop offering it. These personal sessions are the vital difference you need to create a breakthrough. So, to make sure you don't miss out, you need to.... Order NOW To Live In Tune With The Highest Wisdom In The Universe... This is your unique opportunity to get your hands on the most ancient revered secrets to knowing your Higher Self. You’ll enjoy a life filled with inner creativity, joy, peace and meaning. You’ll be rapidly transformed into the person you've always dreamed of being. The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is a solid read – well over 220 pages packed with wise insights and powerful strategies. And by ordering within 3 days, you get a FREE copy (true value $60) of How To Develop Inner Confidence, Esteem & Empowerment –Overcoming Inner Roadblocks To Attain The Life You Dream Of. PLUS you get a six-month FREE subscription to the priceless Golden Secrets coaching ezine (worth $60 or more). AND you get three one-on-one personal e-mail consultations with me (worth at least $25 each, for a total of at least $75). All this for just $39.97 Compared to what you'll learn, all the courses you'd have to read to learn it, AND the immediate change this information will have on your life, it's a bargain. You’ll uncover ancient teachings that’ll transform your life starting TODAY. You’ll bid goodbye to a life of mere hoping. But just in case you still have the slightest doubt... Try Out The 7 Golden Secrets Today At No Risk To You Whatsoever... Despite all you’ve heard, you may be thinking, "Yeah. That’s well and good for other people. But I don’t know... I’ve read these spiritual books before. Nothing much has changed. Will it work for ME?" The answer is most definitely YES... "I have found your course to be a fountain of inspiration. The strategies and techniques are fantastic. In it, I have found an in-depth and true knowledge of myself and others. Particularly, I have found the affirmations amazing in their ability to motivate and stimulate. The most exciting thing is their infinite application and ability to help everybody who honestly apply themselves." Michael Byrne, Dublin, Ireland This course is written for normal folk, not spiritual Einsteins. Ordinary people who want extraordinary lives – mentally, spiritually, financially, emotionally and spiritually. But who don’t want to sell the house and move to a monastery. Above all, this course was written with YOU in mind. Look, I’ll to prove it to you. I’m going to do something you’ve never seen done with a metaphysical course before... I am going to give you a 100% risk-free 90-Day Unconditional Guarantee! Crazy? Maybe. And I obviously can’t guarantee you’ll have full access to your Higher Self within 90 days. That’s absurd. It really depends on whether you DO anything with these teachings. So, this guarantee is to remove any lingering doubt you may still have by taking 100% of the risk on myself. You risk NOTHING. And I DO guarantee you this: Your 100% No-Nonsense Risk-Free Guarantee (1) You’ll be enthralled at the secret strategies revealed to you for contacting your Higher Self. You’re set to begin an exciting voyage of discovery. (2) If you apply any one of these secrets, it’ll bring abundant blessings to your life. More love, joy, happiness, purpose. And a deep personal relationship with the Higher Self. So, what happens if you apply them all?!... (3) Rather than just watch others make progress, YOU can rapidly become the person others watch in wonder. They’ll have no idea how you could have transformed so much. But you’ll know the truth. You’re working with powerful secrets - giving you direct access to the wisdom of the universe. However, if you experience no benefit whatsoever, or don’t like the course for any reason at all, then simply inform us within 90 days of the date of purchase (Yes. Even on the LAST day!), and you’ll receive a full and courteous refund. No questions asked whatsoever. If you apply what’s revealed in the course, you must make tremendous spiritual progress. It’s impossible NOT to because these teachings were not invented by me. They’re the secrets of ancient spiritual masters, handed down over countless millennia. Most courses certainly don’t guarantee your success. But I know these teachings really work if you apply them, because I’m working with them in my own life. There is no-risk to you whatsoever. You have 90 WHOLE DAYS to work with the seven secrets. Apply them to your own life. Enjoy the benefits. It’ll be like Springtime once more. You will experience life transformation by applying even one of the seven secrets... I offer you this 90 Day 100% unconditional guarantee, because I don’t want to hold you back from giving these life-transforming secrets a try. The Secret Wisdom Of the Ancient Masters Will Be Yours TODAY... So, believe in yourself. Take a small action that will change your life forever. Order the course now. Don’t let negative self-talk prevent you. You CAN achieve contact with the Higher Self – the Divine Source within. You CAN have answers and guidance for ALL of life’s issues. "I never thought well-being could be achieved so "easily." The concepts in The 7 Golden Secrets are not difficult to comprehend or practice. It seems to have reached something inside of me that I had once known but since forgotten. Since remembering the truths written in the course, I have had a much easier time dealing with the ever changing conditions in my life. It is a great value and very highly recommended!" Christie Hebert, Riverton, WY The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self is the only course to combine secret ancient teachings with modern personal development strategies. It offers you a practical integrated system - filled with ideas you can use immediately - for contacting and bringing out the infinite abundance within you. With this course as your guide, the life breakthroughs you’ve dreamed of will happen. The pressures of daily life will never again cause you to doubt yourself, or to remain spiritually unfulfilled, unhappy or lacking in inner peace. You’ll never again compare your progress to other people's, and feel discouraged. You’ll express love in your life, and deepen your spiritual knowledge daily. Once you've ordered, you don't have to wait for days for delivery. This is an E-Book (about file size 2.6MB), so you can be reading it literally minutes from now. Plus, it's in Acrobat PDF format, which makes it real easy to work with. If you don't already have the Acrobat reader, I'll show you how to rapidly download it for FREE from the Adobe website. You can pay by credit card or online check. We use a SECURE website from Clickbank - an organization with a superb online financial reputation. Your information goes straight to Clickbank, and to nobody else (not even me!). You can therefore be certain your financial details are completely safe. Click right now to order the Higher Self course and learn these 7 Golden Secrets. (Important Note: This is an E-Book - a downloadable file. It is NOT a physical book.) If you leave it until later, you might forget and never do it. You don’t want to miss out on your spiritual heritage. Also, remember there are only a very limited number of places available for the personal consultations with me. So, secure your place right now by ordering The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self for just $39.97. The true winners in life are distinguished by their power to take action. You are one of them. Commence the journey to the Source of your Being today! Best Wishes Higher Self Course: Click Here To Order (Important Note: This is an E-Book - a downloadable file. It is NOT a physical book.) P.S This is important! I forgot to mention that, as an added bonus, you also get to participate in the referral program for the course! In other words, you can recommend the course to your friends, and if they buy through your exclusive weblink, you receive $12 for every sale. In other words, after just four such purchases, you've paid for the cost of the course! You don't HAVE to do this, and it's definitely NOT some kind of pyramid scheme. It's just my way of (a) rewarding you for your kind recommendation of my course; (b) helping you recoup the cost of the it. In fact, there is no limit to this, and you can continue earning $12 every time your friends buy for as long as you wish. P.P.S. Remember - when you order The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self for just $39.97, you also receive the FREE report, How To Develop Inner Confidence, Esteem & Empowerment – Overcoming Inner Roadblocks To Attain The Life You Dream Of. It’s packed with strategies to unlock your life potential and free inner barriers that have held you back all these years. But you must order within 3 days to get this bonus report! PLUS you get a 6 month FREE subscription to the priceless Golden Secrets weekly coaching ezine (worth $60 or more). AND you get three one-on-one personal e-mail consultations with me (worth at least $25 each, for a total of $75 value minimum). Please Click Here ONLY If You've Decided NOT To Order Higher Self Course Copyright 2003. M.I. Resources Inc. All Rights Reserved M.I. Resources Inc., 101 Buckingham Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Tel/Fax: 00-1-208-247-8158