hello fellow gamblers, please allow me to introduce myself. my name is jeff wilson, professional blackjack tutor and author. throughout my career, i've studied some of the finest professional blackjack players in the world. i was intrigued by how some players could consistently beat a game that was supposed to favor the casino. after years of research i began to learn their systems. i was amazed at how well they worked. recently, i decided to create this website with the hope that i can help you become a better gambler.
it is my observation that 98% of people who play blackjack are wasting their money. they make bad judgements and make decisions based on their gut feelings. this is wrong. their money would be better used for kindling their fireplaces. contained within these pages are the secrets of successful blackjack. ignore them and you will perish. use them and you will prosper. who knows, you might even rise to be one of the finest blackjack players yourself.
beat the casino - advanced blackjack secrets is a compilation of the techniques i've used from years in the gambling industry. this training kit covers the gamut of professional blackjack, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, you will undoubtably benefit from the indepth training that this course provides. you will be amazed by how well these techniques work and how large your pocketbook will get. beat the casino - advanced blackjack secrets is by far my proudest accomplishment yet. some of the things you will learn are...
normally, beat the casino - advanced blackjack secrets is priced at $49.99 but i am running a special promotion for this month only that cuts the price to just $29.99*. yes, this includes the total package: all of the systems listed earlier and the blackjack practice software. think about it. you can lose the cost of this course within minutes at the blackjack table. why not invest some of that hard earned cash into learning how to beat the casino? invest in yourself, not the casinos. as part of the beat the casino - advanced blackjack secrets training kit you'll receive free blackjack practice software that will allow you to perfect your new skills before you wager with real money. with each new system that you learn, you can practice it in real simulation. this will allow you to absorb the materials so when you play for real you will be ready to win big. i know that some of you might be skeptical as to whether this program will work for you. i can certainly understand that. that's why all orders come with a 90 day 100% money back guarantee. try it risk free for 90 days and if you aren't consistently beating the casino then just let me know and i'll refund your money no questions asked. my e-mail address is at the bottom of this page and i'll be glad to answer any questions that you may have.
click here to order advanced blackjack secrets. you can pay by credit card or online check. after you enter your information you will be directed to the download page where it takes about a minute to download. you must be using a microsoft windows operating system in order to read the materials. the promotional offer of $29.99 is good until july 31st, 2003 and this offer comes with a full 90 day guarantee. customersupport@beatthecasinoonline.com black jack, card counting, blackjack systems, counting cards, blackjack strategy |