"make $200 per hour, become a home inspector!"
you can make over $100,000 a year as a home inspector.
working only 2-4 hours a day!
dear future business owner,
you've always wanted to start your own business, right? the freedom to set your own hours, be your own boss. get up when you feel like it, knowing that you only have to work a couple hours today to make a lot more money than what you're where making at that old 9-5 job. well i have found the answer friends. you need to become a home inspector. start part time and quickly build your business into a full time income!
"home inspection is one of the fastest growing professions in america today, and the need for home inspectors will continue to rise as more states pass licensure requirements in the near future". |
did you know that anyone can become a home inspector? regardless of your education, experience, or background. the best way to become a home inspector is to have basic handy-man/woman knowledge around the house and to pass the national home inspectors examination (n.h.i.e.)! the n.h.i.e. is a 200 question multiple choice test that covers all the different aspects of home building and repair including:
on average, a home inspection takes 1 to 2 hours. the inspector thoroughly examines the home that's about to be sold. using a checklist reporting system the inspector would describe the various methods of construction and materials used in the home building process. always looking out for potential hazards and noting those defects along the way. for this they receive an incredible paycheck made out directly to them!
just performing one $200 inspection a day, 5 days a week (that's 5-10 hours of work per week total!!!) you will make $52,000 a year!
current fee schedule
condos or homes on slab |
up to 2000 sq. ft. |
$200 |
homes with crawl space |
up to 2000sq.ft. |
$225 |
homes with crawl space |
between 2001 and 2999 sq. ft. |
$250 |
homes with crawl space |
between 3000 and 3999 sq. ft. |
$300 |
homes with crawl space |
between 4000 and 4999 sq. ft. |
$400+ |
so your asking yourself, "ok this sounds great but how do i find houses to inspect, it must cost thousands of dollars to advertise a real business"? not this one!
how do you find houses to inspect? that's easy just look in your local yellow pages at the real-estate section, look to see how many realtors are in your area. there's a bunch right! each one of these professional sales people are working for you, but you don't have to pay them a dime. 90 percent of all home inspections are referred by a real-estate agent. you just need to print some flyers and attach your business card and hand them out to the real-estate agents. hardly no cost to you, i mean really, when was the last time you saw an advertisement for home inspection. never! when a realtor sells a house, they also sell the inspection for you.
your probably wondering why i'm just giving you this information, well that's simple, the n.h.i.e. test isn't easy! in fact they made it pretty darn hard! if you fail it you have to wait 30 days and pay another fee to retake it.
the tests are administered via computer at more than 150 locations across the country. you get 4 hours and the cost of the exam is $195. you can call 1-877-543-5222 to make a reservation and find the location closest to you or just click here (adobe acrobat reader required to view this file)
before you spend $195 find out how much you know, get your practice exams today!
click here now to learn more!
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