find out how to get top scores in the police testing process.
there are a lot of people trying to become police officers so it is extremely important that you prepare for the process!
you now have access to the top written exam and oral board interview tips and advice.
all of the information given here is compiled from a police supervisor who has helped hire many dozens of law enforcement officers. if you want to get a police or other law enforcement job, you have come to the right place.
this information applies whether you are thinking about becoming a police officer, state trooper, federal officer (dea, fbi, customs etc) or any other branch of law enforcement.
but first things first. here is a free newsletter with tips for you on getting a job in law enforcement.
free law enforcement career tips newsletter
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police job important information
law enforcement jobs are highly sought after. because of this competition, it is critical that you prepare yourself for two of the parts of the testing process:
the written exam
the oral board interview
as the first steps in the hiring process, the written exam and oral boards are the critical portions that you have direct control over. it is absolutely essential that you do your best on these. the difference of one point can matter as to whether you get the job or not.
that point is so important that it deserves repeating. every point that you increase your written exam and oral board scores can make the difference on whether you get this incredible job or not.
click here to get order now
how i can help you
you now have access to the whole truth for behind the scenes tips and advice on how to come out on top for the testing process. this is direct research and hands on observations conducted by me in order to help you out. this information is valuable if you have ever wanted to become a cop.
i am offering you three different ways you can prepare yourself right now: the "oral boards revealed", "written exams revealed" ebooks and the chance to take an online police exam right this minute. you decide how prepared you want to be.
to be candid with you, this is powerful information! you are going to learn what it is that these processes are going to present to you and how to maximize your performance on them.
here's a partial list of what you'll have instant access to:
"oral boards revealed" shows you:
how to prepare before the day arrives
reduce the unexpected factor by knowing ahead of time what to expect
example hypothetical "what if" type questions commonly asked
what questions you should be prepared to answer
what are they looking for in a candidate
discussion on background or concerns you may have: past drug use? credit problems? legal problems? driving history issues? find out the facts on what is allowable and what will disqualify you. you may be surprised!
how does a promotional oral board differ from a hiring oral board
the most important things you can do during the process
discussion of the psychological aspects of the process
mistakes to avoid
and much more...
"i highly recommend this information to anyone looking for a career in law enforcement.... incredibly insightful!"
- nick r.
"nice job. this was exactly what i was looking for. i'm almost looking forward to my police oral boards next week (almost)" - brandon a.
"very helpful! it was well worth the download." - andy m.
"the fact that you made this information available to me online was very important to me. i had an upcoming police oral board and was immediately able to get this very useful info. thanks for all of the advice." - martin w.
"i wish i had found your ebook much sooner. i wasted some serious time up until getting this. i won't bore you with all of the facts, but i was in a dead end job and i have known for the longest time that i've wanted to work in law enforcement. after trying unsuccessfully twice i finally decided to get your ebooks. i am kicking myself in the butt right now for not doing it at the beginning. thank you mark for all of your help in me getting the job i've always dreamed of." - trevor g. |
click here to get order now
"written exams revealed" shows you:
tips to help you chose the correct answers
intentional traps to avoid which are put in the test to trip you up
how you can prepare before the test
example questions that are commonly used
guidelines to use if you are stuck on a question
universally accepted techniques for varying types of questions
memory enhancing techniques (that really work!)
many different types of written exam questions are demonstrated and explained:
- memory
- mug shot
- verbal
- reading comprehension
- observation
- judgment / decision making
- map skills
and more....
imagine how much easier the hiring process would be for you if you knew these insider secrets. it's only a matter of time before you will be getting hired in law enforcement!
take an online police exam right now
"practice makes perfect" - this saying is absolutely true. you have a chance to take an online law enforcement written exam right now.
this 50 question comprehensive exam is modeled after actual written exams. it has many of the questions you are likely to encounter when you test.
the online exam is graded for you and the correct answers are given. you are free to print it out to keep it for future reference.
whether you are about to take a written exam or are just wondering what they are like, this online exam is perfect for you! its all part of our "ultimate police preparation package".
click here to get started right now risk-free
free bonus!
for a very limited time you get our report:
"polygraph and psychological tests revealed"
as a free bonus with any ebook purchase. this report tells you everything you need to know about the polygraph and psychological tests which are the next steps in the hiring process. this is an incredibly useful addition for you to be prepared as possible to get a job in law enforcement.
this report reveals:
· what to expect from the polygraph exam and law enforcement psychological tests
· "the do's and don'ts" of taking these tests
· what they will be asking you
· what they are looking for in the results
· suggestions for you if you are about to take the tests
· and more!
you are not going to find this information anywhere else!
this report is a $12.95 value and is yours free for a very limited time only with the purchase of the "oral boards revealed" or "written exams revealed" ebooks.
this special report will be sold as a separate item after
october 6 but it is your free with an ebook order. you must act now if you want this report for free. |
free bonus #2
also for a very limited time you get our report:
"the top mistakes law enforcement candidates do - (which cost them the chance at the job)"
this is also a free bonus with any ebook purchase. this report was compiled based on popular request from our customers.
this report reveals:
you are not going to find this information anywhere else!
this report is a $9.95 value and is yours free for a very limited time only with the purchase of the "oral boards revealed" or "written exams revealed" ebooks.
please note: we are about to start charging for these bonuses as separate products. the opportunity to get them as a free bonus is coming to an end.
this special report will be sold as a separate item after
october 6 but it is yours free with an ebook must act now if you want this report for free. |
100% satisfaction guarantee!
we offer a 100% guarantee. if you are not satisfied that this information helped you get the competitive edge in the law enforcement testing process, let us know within 30 days and we will gladly refund your money. the bonus report is yours to keep! we are that confident of how powerful this information is to you! |
click here to get started right now risk-free
- mark
p.s. there is absolutely no risk to you. you have nothing to lose and the potential of an incredible job to gain! it's time to learn what it takes to become a cop.
p.p.s. make sure you order now to take advantage of the free bonus report "police polygraph and psychological tests revealed". very soon the only way to get this exclusive report is to purchase it but it is available with any ebook purchase.
any questions? please contact my
support staff at 4webebooks.
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