"i was late for work. my one-year-old was crying. my three-year-old refused to get out of bed. wrestling clothes on to each, running a comb through their hair, forcing milk and cereal into their bellies, i had little time to prepare for my day. schlepping them, one under each arm, to the car and wrestling them into their car seats, i drove them to daycare. by the time i arrived at work, my nerves were shot. at the end of the day, i reversed the morning routine. such was my life everyday until i found a way to work at home." (leslie truex)
does this sound familiar to you? have you been looking for a way to work at home only to become discouraged at all the scams and deceptive ads? you are not alone. millions of other people have also had their work-at-home dreams shattered by work-at-home scams and schemes. but not anymore. this is your chance to learn the truth about work-at-home jobs and make your work-at-home dream come true!
in jobs at home: a complete guide to finding or creating a work-at-home job you are going to discover the secrets of finding a legitimate work-at-home job. this isn't pie-in-the-sky work-at-home hype. nor is it a list of non-existent companies or assembly work scams. i have personally used the techniques and resources i teach to work at home in many jobs including online researcher, writer (by assignment), data collector, program manager, and social worker. |
testimonial: "i thought about getting the book for about six months before i actually bought it. i finally broke down to get the book after being really frustrated at trying to find a job at home. once i got it and set aside some time to get read the book, i am really glad that i did. it showed me websites that i never could of found on my own to search for jobs that i can do from home. the book was great on informing me how to form my resume for the job that i was applying for. i never knew i had to make my resume to fit the job. the price of the book was really cheap. i am really grateful for leslie making such a good source for such a great cheap price. i am so grateful for the opportunity to get the book and it helped me out in numerous ways that i never thought would. if i had to do all over again, i wouldn't of hesitated for six months on getting the book. thank you leslie." - kay garlick, orem, ut |
americans spend billions of dollars per year on scams. why? because they fail to understand what telecommuting (working at home) is and where these legitimate work-at-home jobs can be found. in jobs at home, you will learn how to:
- identify your skills, experiences and interests that can be used in a work-at-home job.
- identify the work-at-home jobs you are qualified to do.
- prepare for a work-at-home jobs search
- prepare a quality cyber-resume that gets you noticed above the hundreds of other work-at-home applicants
- find work-at-home jobs including over 100 telecommuting job resources
- avoid costly mistakes when searching for a work-at-home job.
- protect yourself and avoid scams
- convert your existing job into a work-at-home job
- calculate how much money you need to survive working at home. its probably less than you think...up to 50-75% less!
- save thousands of dollars per year by working at home.
- save your boss thousands of dollars per year by working at home.
- work-at-home successfully while still running the household and raising children
- get free or low-cost training online to increase your skills and marketability.
- and much more.
this is just a small sample of the details and tips you will get. as the title of the book indicates, it is a complete guide providing all the step-by-step instructions, helpful information, and over 150 valuable resources to help you find and achieve work-at-home success!
i use these concepts and techniques daily so i know they work. here is just a small sample of jobs i found in january 2001 using information and resources in jobs at home:
(note: these jobs are not current and are just provided as a sample of the types of jobs you can find using the information and resources in jobs at home: a complete guide to finding or creating a work-at-home job.)
secretaries nationwide candidates accepted to perform home based clerical work. we need proofreaders, secretaries, typists, data entry clerks and word processors. unlimited volume of work. you must have a pentium 100 or greater processor, with 32m ram, a sound blaster or compatible sound card, speakers and a 33,600 baud or greater fax/modem. windows 95 or later operating system. an inkjet or laser printer also required. both microsoft word 97 and wordperfect 6.0 or later word processing software, and a good working knowledge of both. paychecks are issued on the 1st and 15th of each month. you must type at least 80 wpm and take a typing test at http://www.youdictate.com
data administrator work from home. detail oriented person needed to assist with production of data pages for the online investor web site. responsibilities include gathering time-sensitive information from online sources and entering into formatted pages. additional duties involve order processing for online store and management of subscriber issues for email newsletters. candidates should be comfortable with computers and the internet, but advanced knowledge is not needed. james hale (email removed)
typist/hearing recorder work out of home, 80+ wpm with excel eng skills. to tape record hearings and type transcripts. ft/pt. some travel. send resume, including typing speed immediately to: [info removed]
transcriptionist prominent orthopedic/sports medicine center, located on the mpls riverside campus, has an immediate position available (32 hrs/wk). we offer flexible hours to accommodate your needs. upon completion of training, we will consider allowing you to work out of your home. responsibilities include: transcription of clinical notes, correspondence & ime transcription. medical transcription experience required. we offer an excellent compensation and benefit package. fax or send resume to: [info removed]
telecommute paralegal description: internet start-up company requires corporate paralegal to telecommute from home. candidate will work from home and email finished work product. requirements: corporate paralegal with knowledge of articles of incorporation, by-laws, organizing resolutions and coordinating initial minute books. must have 2+ years experience in corporate law. jd's are welcome. additional information salary: $22 to $24 per hour ref code: 451630 contact information: new.york. [info removed]
assistant location: nationwide description: this position open nationwide to u.s. applicants. marketing assistant needed for business consultant to research, gather and send data, set appointments and meetings, confirm appointments and develop business relationships. knowledge of internet and e-mail important. base pay $10 to $15 hourly, plus bonus. p/t or f/t available. work from home office. please contact (removed) for further instructions how to apply.
mystery shoppers we will have february shops available at the metro airports, laguardia, kennedy, and newark. the shops take 3-7 hours, depending on scenario. you will be required to come to paid training beforehand in our nyc office for 1-2 hours on a weekday morning. you must have a car and be very detail oriented. it will require you parking in the lot (reimbursed), switching terminals using on-site monorail, and making a small purchase in the snack shop (reimbursable). you will be evaluating customer service reps, the security checkpoint, and visiting the restroom and gift shop. all tolls and parking are reimbursed for training and shop. it's a fun and interesting shop, and it pays very well!! if you are interested, please log onto our website at
research assistant builder's 1st choice the areas largest new home sales and marketing company has a part time opening for a research assistant. work from home! must be advanced in excel and microsoft word!!! please send resumes to [info removed]
human services hotline work. provide support for stressed parents by becoming a family stressline volunteer. day, evening and weekend shifts available. work from home via call forwarding. $40-$80 stipends available for a 4-8 hour shift. non-stipend positions also available. training begins in january. contact: the family tree volunteer office at (info removed). eoe.
artists - wanted for art publishing company. this is a production position hand coloring reproductions of antique engravings. an art degree, very good color skills and experience with watercolor is helpful. productivity is very important. work out of your home. only those interested in full time work should apply. call [info removed] for additional information.
note: these jobs are not current and are just provided as a sample of the types of jobs you can find using the information and resources in jobs at home: a complete guide to finding or creating a work-at-home job. |
no other book or resource that i have found offers the scope of information and resources that you will find jobs at home: a complete guide to finding or creating a work-at-home job. unlike many other "how-to" books found online, jobs at home provides in depth information and step-by-step instructions on what to do and what not to do.
extra! the resources in jobs at home have been updated but online resources are subject to change all the time. to help keep your work-at-home job search running smoothly, jobs at home comes with its own website in which all the resources are kept up-to-date and new resources are added when found. you also find work-at-home jobs i find each week posted in this area.
plus, you will get the following bonuses ... free!
bonus #1 free software to organize your search.
bonus #2 free software to help you create and e-mail resumes, search for jobs, and keep your efforts organized.
bonus #3 free work-at-home toolkit with free resources including free long distance, free phone conference services, free email tools and more.
bonus #4 free e-book that show you how to save money so you can afford to stay and work at home.
there is a saying, "give a man a fish, feed him for a day. teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." jobs at home does both! it provides current jobs, lists of companies you apply to work for today, plus it teaches you how, in detail, to find, apply for and obtain a work-at-home job.
with jobs at home you get:
the book with complete telecommuting job details and over 150 work-at-home job resources,
access to updated resources online
access to new jobs posted each week,
plus four free bonuses to streamline and organize your search, get your home office set up with free resources, and a free ebook on how to afford to come home sooner!
don't waste any more money on work-at-home scams. don't lose hope of ever finding a job you can do at home. you can work-at-home!
jobs at home: a complete guide to finding or creating a work-at-home job will show you how! best yet...its only $39.95 for the e-book version. don't let the low price fool you. i know many online marketers are selling their "tips" and "secrets" for 2 and 4 times more. but i wanted to make this complete work-at-home job resource affordable to everyone. at this price, jobs at home is cheaper than dinner out but it will provide you with everything you need to plan, prepare, and conduct a successful work-at-home job search.
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jobs at home is 130 pages in pdf format. you will need adobe reader to read the book. you will also need winzip to unzip the book. both adobe reader and winzip (free version) are free. once payment is completed, you will taken immediately to the download site. access information to the bonus mateirals and jobs at home website can be found on page 2 of the book.
if you have problems accessing the site or downloading materials, email me with your receipt information at success@workathomesuccess.com.