"if you think running your own business is too difficult"- think again!
online auctions are exploding! it's the perfect job! work from home and set your own hours. you're in control.
you can work whenever you'd like. this easy to follow system will show you how to earn more in a few hours a week than most people earn in a month. |
dear friend,
the ebay fast cash system earns fantastic income, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. in one month, i earned $14,835.00! that is pure profit. some months i make less but, it is much better than sitting in traffic 2 hours a day, and having a boss over your shoulder.
i work where and when i want! |
great ocean view from my home |
2 1/2 years ago i had hit rock bottom. i had started a computer sales business out of the 2nd bedroom in my apartment in 1996 which grew into a multi million dollar, 30 employee company. it was ranked as one of the fastest growing independent san diego computer resellers in 1999.i was on top of the world!
well, what goes up often comes down. with the advent of crashing dotcoms, the profit level on new computers fell to almost nothing. in 2000, we had to let everyone go and shut the operation down. i was devastated! it was my lifelong dream to have my own business.
we started using ebay to liquidate our excess inventory. ebay was amazing; we sold the business assets quickly to customers all over the country. i saw the huge potential in virtually one of the only dot com companies that was successful. the problem was, we ran out of product and the company was closed.
after taking several jobs in the computer industry, i was miserable! when you have owned your own business it is a very humbling thing to do; but we all have to eat. how i could use ebay on a full time basis kept rolling over and over in my head. i had to give it another shot, so i quit the computer sales job and made it my goal to sell via online auctions and be my own boss again. i went to garage sales, public auctions, bought wholesale product lists, etc. this ebook will show you the awesome techniques i stumbled on, which has allowed me to become an ebay platinum power seller.
i can make a full time income working part-time from home! | |