how would you like to receive huge checks twice a month from clickbank with out ever selling or promoting anything!
this toolbar will capture every visitor that ever visits any of your websites and make sure that every time they ever purchase anything online, you will get a huge commission! do not run a website without it!!!
dear internet marketer, with your custom branded clickbank toolbar, you will increase your clickbank commissions - and you never have to lift a finger! let me explain... if you have ever bought or sold anything digital online, then i am sure that you have had a chance to work with clickbank. they offer over 11,400 of the internet's top selling digital products. they also offer an affiliate program where you can get paid huge commissions selling other people's products! i always had some trouble promoting these other products until one day i found out about a program called "1st promotion." with 1st promotion you are able to put a search engine on any website. this is what the search engines look like:
when someone does a search from any of your websites, you will receive a commission on all of the products that they purchase. i quickly purchased this, and set it up on all of my websites. with-in 2 days i received my first sale from one of my websites for over $60! i was so excited. throughout the next few weeks i continued to make sales and make money. then one day i realized something. the only way that i could make a sale is if someone actually came to my website. that's when i had an idea! instead of making people come to my website, i would make a tool for them that they could search clickbank from their own desktop and i would still receive all of the affiliate commissions. this is how i developed the idea for the clickbank toolbar. your custom toolbar will be seen by your potential customers everytime that they open their browser window! if they purchase something now from clickbank, or anytime in the future, you will also get paid! after i designed the first toolbar, i gave a free copy to everyone i knew. the next day i had made 2 clickbank sales! i continue to receive orders every week from the toolbars that i gave away the first day, and i am sure that i will continue to receive orders in the future. your custom clickbank toolbar will be seen by your potential customers everytime that they open their browser window. when they type in any search, they will be taken to your 1st promotion sales page. there will also be links to your personal websites and favorite affiliate programs. the only person that could stop you from increasing your sales with your custom clickbank toolbar is you.