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from: sam rodman
dear friend, what i'm about to tell you is going to make it so very, very simple for you to increase your income tremendously. in your spare time...from your own home. |
your income can skyrocket !
the profit potential is so great it literally boggles the mind. it's now possible to start right away to bring in as much as $54,000 - a year - or more. part-time. i'm sure you'll agree that the best job in the world would be one in which you work for yourself, set your own hours, and see your income rise or double year after year. you can join others making full-time earnings from part-time hours. and you can do it absolutely risk-free. i've done it... and i want to tell you how. my name is sam rodman. my phone number 239-772-0201. please don't confuse me with the folks out there selling information that they know nothing about. i have been in the office cleaning business for more than 10 years. as an employee, i worked hard for other people and was paid well for my services of running a cleaning crew. i saw first hand the big profits being made in the office cleaning business and started my own back in 1992. i realized that anyone can do the cleaning, but the key is "getting the accounts." i started with a spray bottle and a borrowed vacuum cleaner. after only the first few months of working for myself, i was bringing in $4500 dollars a month, and i was only working 4 hours, part-time in the evenings on monday thru friday to get it. that's $54,000 dollars per year, which was more money then i'd ever made. i wasn't trying to get any more business. i was working less than 20 hours a week, going fishing on the weekends and enjoying my free time. then i met gerald martin... he was unemployed at the time and had a family to support. our wives had become friends, and i took a liking to gerald. he had worked in an unskilled labor position for the railroad in kansas city for many years. i wanted to help him out somehow, but i knew he needed more than part-time work by the hour. gerald was no charm school graduate, and he was definitely not the salesman type. he was very much interested in how i was making so much money by working so few hours. gerald wanted to know exactly how i did it. so i showed him the steps to getting his first office cleaning account. then we lost touch and 3 years went by before i saw gerald again. i could tell he was doing very well, and i asked him, what he was doing for a living? he said, "cleaning offices." "in fact, i now have 10 part-time people helping me. one of them is a key person who keeps everything running smoothly, and i'm bringing in over $400,000 dollars a year now!" gerald knew absolutely nothing about the office cleaning business, but in just 3 years he was bringing in over $400,000 dollars a year and had 10 part-time employees who were doing all the work. i was amazed! i asked him, "what do you attribute your success to?" how did you get so much business? he said,well, here it is ! i'm letting the cat out of the bag. now you can share in this success too! there's a tremendous amount of business out there and there's plenty of room for you. even if you know nothing about the office cleaning business, except which end of a trash can goes up, then my proven methods of getting office cleaning accounts will work for you, too. a profitable home-based office cleaning business. that's right. a simple, easy-to-operate office cleaning service. maybe you're still not convinced. "how can you make big money cleaning up offices?" because as a cleaning service contractor you charge by the job, not by the hour.
you may decide to reach a certain level of income and then remain at that point. it's up to you. successful cleaning companies are all across america. you can be one of them if you can get the business. that's exactly what i'm going to show you how to do. here's what i've done for you... i've put together a complete home-based starter-kit designed to help you succeed in the office cleaning business. it contains the documents and information you need in a downloadable format. i've taken the mystery out of how to get the account and how to price it right. no one spells it out for you easier than this or gives you the specific information you must have to succeed. let me tell you, this instant office cleaning kit gives you an amazing head start.
the u.s. department of labor recently reported that the office cleaning service industry will provide more jobs than any other area of employment in the coming years. would you like to get your share of this billion dollar a year market? good! there's still plenty of room for you! yes, office cleaning really is a money making opportunity! it's a real roll-up-your-sleeves moneymaker in every city and town. this is no pie-in-the-sky "get rich scheme." office cleaning is necessary... not a luxury. you have a true captive market. regardless of economic swings, offices must always be cleaned. it's a recession-proof business with a secure future. and here's the best part. you can start with no experience at all. even if you're on a limited budget, you have a terrific opportunity to make top earnings. your new starter-kit shows you exactly how. simply and easily. i promised earlier that you can begin risk free.
90 days without risking a single penny! put this proven way to make money to the test. see for yourself. discover that it's everything i say it is. i'm sure this program will work for you. you see, what i'm doing is giving you the business building tools of the trade and showing you the way. i firmly believe i'm giving you the very best tools,...that's why i will go a step further for you. if your kit doesn't live up to your highest expectations, if it is not everything you hoped for, i'll gladly buy it back! that's right. if you're willing to part with it -- i'll buy it back. no questions asked. fair enough? so if you're interested in turning your spare-time into $1000 a week or more, let me hear from you right away. download your order now...while it's still on your mind. you risk nothing and truly have everything to gain. order today!
p.s. using this method over a one week period, i recently secured a $1500 dollar monthly account. that's an $18,000 dollar a year increase from just one part-time job. it usually takes only one and a half hours each evening. p.p.s. you can line up a new customer in your area without risk and enjoy a dramatic increase in your income. don't forget the 4 free bonus reports! - order today! what's all the excitement about? there is money to be made, and anyone (i mean anyone) can do it! the instant office cleaning kit is all you need. take a look. the proof is in the product.
your "instant office cleaning kit" is filled with valuable, useful information that you can use to help you succeed in this business. similar material is being sold by franchised cleaning services for literally thousands of dollars and they take a big percentage of your business every month. you can do-it-yourself with this "instant office cleaning kit" and you keep 100% of the profits! your kit includes "the best proven methods for getting customers." a remarkable collection of proven methods that get results! you will be light years ahead of the competition with these practical, down to earth methods for attracting customers. the best in the business! consider your new "instant office cleaning kit" as income insurance. i'm truly convinced that you can cash in and experience a dramatic increase in your earnings.
here is your chance to experience what these customers have already discovered. everything you need to hit pay dirt in the office cleaning business is included in your kit.
order today! without delay. download now and you'll get: > > 4 bonus reports < < order right now and you'll get 4 bonus reports included with your kit. these are extra services that offices pay for in addition to the cleaning of their office. this exclusive information is in your bonus pack
(you can put lots of extra money in your pocket) you'll get the inside scoop and all the details on how to make money from these 4 profitable "add-on" services that all offices pay for. you'll receive very useful and detailed information in these 4 bonus money making reports. you could make a business out of any one of these extra "add-on" services like my friend bill holland did. he made so much money from the service described in (bonus report #4) that he bought a second house in north carolina as a vacation home. this one service by itself is really a big moneymaker and very lucrative. read all about it in your bonus report #4. it is filled with priceless details, so you can do it too. no skills...almost no money, and lock into a... guaranteed income every month! cleaning really, really is recession-proof! think about it! the clients are successful, affluent people like doctors. they make money in good times and bad times .they need a clean office and they pay to have it done. not only that, but...offices with professionals in them are everywhere and believe me, they have the money to pay you well. just one small office that only gets cleaned once a week amounts to thousands of dollars of extra income for you. what better way for you to survive a bad economy than to have some involvement in this recession proof money making business? from a small office that only gets cleaned once or twice a week you can profit. many people hold down a full time job and get started with just one small office cleaning account like barbara did. barbara works as a secretary for a construction company office and needed a way to make extra income. her boss was going to hire a private cleaning service to clean the office. barbara used the square foot estimating chart from the kit and put the price on the service agreement. after handing it to her boss...guess who got the job? barbara is not really in the cleaning business. barbara is a secretary. she cleans just one office part-time... and socks away an extra $648 dollars every month! you can too! listen my friend, what you need is quality information that will really help you get accounts, time and time again. then you can receive lump sum checks every month too! you must know how to price it right, that's why your kit includes "a square ft. estimating chart." you can get your own office cleaning account with the instant office cleaning kit. i'm using it right now to make money in the office cleaning business, and you can too! look at these amounts of actual checks from typical accounts that get cleaned in the part-time evening hours.
not bad for a part-time job! listen, it's the ultimate paying part-time job for you too! i mailed just one powerful letter to get these accounts, and that letter is included in your kit. i got these part-time "office cleaning accounts" and others just like them using the exact same information you will get in your instant office cleaning kit. not only that, you can easily get someone to do the work for you and still make money every month. can you imagine how nice it would be to have this kind of extra money coming in every month? would you like to change your situation quickly and make a lot of extra money? right now you can take advantage of getting this "franchise quality information" at a fraction of the cost and keep all the profits for yourself! you will never find an offer this useful with so much proven information on this subject anywhere else! to make sure you succeed, i'll help you get started making money with my proven methods in any way i can. should you need personal consultation of any'll have complete liberty to contact me. respectfully, ![]() i'm so sure you'll be totally and completely satisfied when you purchase and download the "instant office cleaning kit". you have a full 90 day money back guarantee to try it out and see for yourself. give it a chance. you will be satisfied with it or your money back! yes! i would like to make a lot of extra cash every month working my own part-time hours, and enjoy the freedom of being my own boss! in fact, an extra $54,000 a year part-time would be great! yes, i'm ordering today, so please include the 4 free bonus reports. send me your "instant office cleaning kit" which includes "the best proven methods for getting customers" which will give me the jump start i need. i understand that if i am not convinced the "instant office cleaning kit" has worked for me to my satisfaction, i may return it for a full refund of the purchase price. no questions asked. under these conditions, i am downloading now for a one time easy payment of: p.s. you can start using the complete kit right away with no special education or skills. you can use this kit to make money and it doesn't matter where you live. you can be any age. man or woman and you can do this in your spare time. i appreciate your business. so... download the kit right now and see for yourself. if you can follow simple instructions and you take action, then i will get your investment back many times over from just one part-time account. what else can i do to convince you? remember, it's completely risk free. if you're not happy, i will send you back your money. look at the table of contents here.
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