stocknet2 |
"the lazy man's way to trade stocks" |
you may be just minutes away from prosperity! i'll reveal to you how you too can make a fortune in the stock market. picture your self earning more than you ever dreamed of making each year. work a few hours a day from the comfort of you own home, at a leisurely pace. are you ready for this kind of earning power? |
people do the darnedest things, don't they?
recently i overheard two stock investors complaining the other day that the market was up and that they still couldn't make any money in the market. i later found out that neither had a plan or a system that they followed religiously when investing. maybe they thought that anything that "they" put "their" money in should automatically make them money!
but i figure it this way, those who expect to make money with no effort on their part are just dreaming.
anyone who has made any money in his or her life knows you need a plan and you need to follow that plan to make money!
you know what else? to make money, each week or every day in the stock market, is doubly hard. until now.
i've been at this game for the last 25 years and during those 25 years i have heard over and over again how hard it was to make money in the stock market.
for the last 25 years i've followed and believed in these rules that wall street set out for me. the ones that told me how damn lucky i was if i got a 10% return. until now that is!
for most of those 25 years i made money the "old fashion way, i earned it". the hard way. holding stocks long term and through the commissions i made getting others to do the same thing.
the problem was, making my "fortune" and a "fortune" for others was coming real slow. with the limited capital we had, we could only make so much money. or so i thought, until now!
that was until i discovered the "stocknet" system. "stocknet" changed my whole philosophy about the stock market, picking stocks, and making money. it literally turned my thinking upside down. within minutes of learning the "stocknet" system, i knew that i had just viewed the most powerful stock picking system i had ever seen in my 25 year career.
what i learned in those few moments was how simple it is to pick winning stocks day after day, making thousands of dollars a day, with little risk, and all with very little work each day.
suddenly a simple truth appeared to me. every idea, philosophy, and strategy that i had lived and breathed for 25 years was thrown right out the window in about 30 minutes. (it actually took me about 3 months before i was able to rid myself of 25 years of old habits i had. it was worse than quitting cigarette smoking, which i did cold turkey 15 years ago.)
here is what i learned you don't need:
i really could not believe how simple this system was and how much sense it made. i literally started to make money the next day! i also started making more money than i ever expected, trading the market. day after day. even through all the recent turmoil. imagine making money during a serious down market!
the longer i used the system, the more i understood it. as i understood it more and more, i experimented and fine tuned it more and more. the fine tuning was to try and remove as much of the remaining risk from a system that was already low risk. the result were the profits made during the past years bear market.
the end result is the powerful "stocknet2" trading system. with "stocknet2" you'll spend about one hour doing your daily research, picking your stocks, and then either sit back and relax or go about your other business of the day with out worrying about what is happening in the market. of course, if you want to follow the market that's ok as long as you follow the rules.
each day you'll decide how much time you want to spend trading, how much money you want to start with and how much money you want to make.
if you are sincere and apply yourself, you will soon be as successful as me and other stocknet2 users.
if you want you can day trade every day with this system, making profitable trades each day. or you can trade just once a week. this system will identify both short and long term trades for you. i prefer to day trade, you may not want to. then you will use the system to determine long term trades. (long term in this system is 1 to 2 weeks)
in either case, you'll spend about an hour per day (or per week if your long term trading) doing some simple research that requires no technical or fundamental knowledge, no computer programs, and can be learned in about 45 minutes.
you don't have to be a genius!
you can start your trading with as little as $500 or as much as you want. you don't have to be rich to make a lot of money.
it's that simple!! i am not kidding you!!!
i have just about given up all my other investment business because of "stocknet2". i have fired all but my best clients, the ones that i enjoy doing business with. best of all, i am no longer dependent on someone else to make my living. quite honestly, if i played golf or enjoyed sailing, i give up the rest of my clients!
by now you are probably asking yourself "why is he telling me all this?"
why? because i am about to offer you this amazing powerful trading system, "stocknet2" for a mere fraction of what it is worth. why? for one very selfish reason.
as every serious trader knows, the more people who use the "stocknet2" system (or any other system), the more effective it will be and the bigger the profits will be. stocks trade on volume and momentum, the more people who use the system the more volume in those stocks. but, more importantly, volume causes others ( institutions, brokerage firms, hedge funds etc.) to notice these stocks, causing even more volume and helping their price to go even higher. more profits.
by the way, here is a feature unique to "stocknet2". of all the people who use this system, no one person has an edge over any one else. due to the way the system is designed, no one, including me, can get a jump on you! stocks identified by this system are identified by means which you can only use during the markets off hours. when the market opens each morning, each "stocknet2" user will be armed with the picks of the day. (provided you did your work) the final step of the system actually requires you to let your stock picks open before you make your final decision. so, as you can see, no one has an edge over you with "stocknet2".
when you order your "stocknet2" system we will tell you more about the features that make "stocknet2" unique and how they make you more money.
before we go any further, let's get one thing straight! no stock picking system is perfect. you can lose money. however with "stocknet2" we believe that the odds are highly in your favor. by following our system, any loss is limited and you'll know exactly what to expect before you invest in any stock.
double your money back guarantee
i am so confident that you can make money with this system, that if after your first 10 trades you haven't made any money, we will give you double the money you spent purchasing the system back. double your money back is unheard of! (some conditions due apply)
we will also give you the following free bonuses:
stocknet2 comes in "e-book" form. once you download the book and get your password, you could be up and running with in hours. even better, since stocknet2 is in e-book form you will get updates to the system for free!
how much are we charging for this remarkable system? a fraction of it's true worth! how can you ever put a value on a system that could potentially make you millions of dollars? well you won't have to pay $5,000, not $1,000, not $100, nor even $50. order now and you'll get the whole system and the bonuses for the special low price of just $39.
just $39 for a system that could make you a fortune.
why just $39? it's simple, remember this: we want lots of people to participate in this system. if we gave the system away, you wouldn't take it seriously.
since we make our money the same way you do, trading, it is to our advantage to sell this system at a price that will bring in serious people only, and still cheap enough to bring in lots of people.
if you can't afford the $39, then you should not be investing in the stock market.
remember, the more people who look at the same stocks and act on them, the more money we all make. it's the same thing the major brokerage firms do when they recommend a stock. they focus attention on the stocks that they want to highlight. can you imagine if you could know which stocks the brokerage firms were going to recommend before they recommended them!
you can be in front of the profit curve for a change with stocknet2.
what do you get for your $39? a chance to make a lot of money and the whole "stocknet2" system. a system that you can learn in about 45 minutes. in fact you will get step by step rules on how to apply the system correctly. there is no hard work, this truly is the lazy man's way to make a fortune in the stock market! you'll also get our conditional "double your $39 guarantee".
©jlr group inc.1998-2002
our privacy policy: under no circumstances do we or will we ever share any of your private information, including email address with any one. all your credit card information is handled by clickbank and is not shared with us ever!
last date revised: april 17, 2003