the perfect work at home job - get paid for your opinion online!
are you looking to earn some extra cash, or to work part-time from home? if so, you're not alone. right now there are thousands of people earning a great deal of money at home by taking online surveys, participating in online focus groups, or trying out new products and commenting on them.
1) online surveys - pay up to $75.00 per survey. 2) online focus groups - pay from $25 to $150 per hour. 3) watch online movie previews / trailers - pay from $4 to $25 per hour. 4) trying out new, free products - keep the products and get paid just for giving your opinion of them.
this is the perfect work at home job. when you work from home, you set your own hours. work as much or as little as you want. this type of work is ideal for stay at home moms or dads, students, or anyone who doesn't want to work a 9 to 5 job. it is estimated that nearly 40% of the u.s. workforce are now working from home. and why not, when you can earn up to $150/hour for simply expressing your opinion, while sitting in your pajamas! you can potentially earn several thousand dollars each month! this is one of the few legitimate work-at-home opportunities available on the internet.
what we offer:
what we offer is a comprehensive and unique directory of the best and most reliable companies online that currently pay people for their opinions. we've researched them all, and we also participate in online surveys ourselves. after all, we can all use some extra money! there are several hundred companies listed in our directory, most with direct links to their application pages. its free, and simple to apply to each company.
see what a sample online survey looks like by clicking here.
*bonus* - we have recently acquired an inventory of unused free airfare vouchers. every new member of our site will receive a voucher good for 2 free plane tickets to anywhere in the world. these vouchers are good for two years, have no blackout dates, and have absolutely no connection to timeshares, tours, etc.
become a member of our site:
in order to keep our website and directory running and up-to-date with the latest information, we require a one-time fee of just $29.99 for lifetime access to our exclusive directory. you could earn that by participating in just one survey! and, we back our service with a 90 day money-back guarantee. please see our frequently asked questions page for complete details.
to become a member of our website today and begin earning money immediately, please click here.
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