free classified ads do work!

i built a very successful online business using nothing but free classified ads. you can do the same thing with my proven free classified ad course!

but i had to learn how to use free ads the hard way. i spent almost 7 months posting free ads all over the internet only to receive tons of spam offers to
my e-mail inbox. no orders, just spam.

then, through continuous trial and error i finally discovered 3 simple steps
that broke it wide open.

i learned:

1. how to
find the best free ad sites on the internet
2. how to
organize my free ads with a free software download
3. how to
track my free ads at no cost

learn to track your ads

the biggest mistake most people make with free advertising is just recklessly placing ads without really knowing what they're doing. it's kind of like the proverbial chicken running around with its head cut off. they fail to grasp
the importance of being able to see the results of their efforts. i did the same thing for months until i realized that free ads will fail unless you track the results!

once i learned how to track my ads i started regularly placing free ads at those sites that were producing the traffic. in other words, i learned to separate the wheat from the chaff. and it took me only 3 days before i started steadily receiving orders!  i now regularly advertise at over
270 productive free ad sites that i have neatly organized, even to the point of automatically telling
me when it's time to update my ads. and i can show you how to do the exact same thing no matter what your product or service!

free classified ad course

with my free classified ad course you will learn:

      how to find thousands of free ad sites

      how to place your ads at different sites

      how to place your ads quickly and even automatically

      how to track your advertising for free

      how to automatically organize your ads to make things easy

      how to write a simple, great ad based on one of my proven ads

      how adding one thing to your ad can increase response by 200%

the price of my detailed, easy to understand free classified ad course is just
$19.95 - a small price when you consider the thousands of dollars of orders you can receive without spending a  dime on advertising. i did it with hardly any knowledge of the internet or online marketing and so can you!

satisfaction guaranteed!

i want your free ad campaign to succeed. that's why my free ad course carries a full
90 day money-back clickbank guarantee. try it for 3 months.
if you're not completely satisfied i will return your money, no questions
asked - richard kipcak

use our
secure server to order. you will have instant online access
to my free classified ad course!

we accept visa, mastercard, discover, american express, eurocard,
novus, & debit cards. cards from any country are welcome.

© 1999 - 2003 richard kipcak.  all rights reserved.