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   covenant network support group

strategies to enhance your ebay experience
  covenant network support report:

can you still make money on ebay?: strategies that work.



39 pages pdf format

download report (from cns server)


$7.95 for a single report,

$28.97 for the report and a site license to make copies within your organization and place on your website.

(no shipping/handling fees will be added: it's an immediate download

directly from the server.)

> related reports

wholesale sources

locate items that you can buy at wholesale and sell for profit on ebay.


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the pdf document. downloads will take about this much time:

> modem: 3 minutes
> broadband: 1 minutes



contained in the manual are the winning strategies, the tips and tricks that you will use to cash in on this once in a life time opportunity. 

this manual provides easy to understand and detailed instructions for maximizing your profits with selling strategies that are proven winners.

this information will make you 1000's on ebay.   although this book was based on ebay auctions, the overall information will work for all online auctions. 

ebay marketing secrets teaches you effective selling strategies and you don't need any specialized computer knowledge.  i'm going to pass on the secret selling techniques that i use each and every day to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars selling my products on internet auctions.


table of contents


what category?
decide what to sell
creating your perfect ad
use photos to increase your sales
the killer ebay ad
your ebay strategy
to feature or not to feature
dutch auctions - your key to making it big!
market analysis
trial & error - it works
complement your auctions 
get more people to see your ad
feedback secrets - it matters
auction sniping
the end of your auction
customer service
useful information for ebay users 

how can we sell this report so cheaply?


despite investing effort and work on the project, we are selling the report at a dramatially lower price than other companies who put much less work into their reports. why?

on the internet, the economics of intellectual property change: since there are almost no distribution costs (and no sales costs except this website), it makes more sense to aim to sell a large number of copies at a low price than a small number of copies at a high price (as one would do in the traditional world of high expenses for sales and distribution).

we want to reach a large number of readers: we are fed up with the poor state of the intranet usability.

our only plea is that you help us continue publishing low-price reports by buying a site license if you have colleagues who will read the report. if you only need it for yourself, then that's obviously what the single-user license is for. if somebody "gives" you a copy, then please buy a download anyway to keep prices down in the future.



who should read

this report?


anybody that wants to make money on ebay


download report (from cns server)

$7.95 for a single report,

$28.97 for the report and a site license to make copies within your organization and place on your website.










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