regardless of how much money you have or don't have, you are much closer to creating incredible wealth and success on the internet than you think. in fact, you are so close that you can't see it. do you remember the times you were frantically trying to find something around the house, like your car keys for example, and with each passing second you are unable to find them you sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of frustration and irritation? you may even scream a few four letter words as well, only to have a small child or some one else pick your keys up right off the table right in front of you? what about the pencil you search the house looking for that's already tucked behind your own ear? how about the glasses you are looking for that are already on your face, resting on your nose? the very thing that can quickly change your life, build your business and create wealth for you is sitting right in front of you and has been in existence long before the internet was born. even before the birth of bill gates, not to mention microsoft. it's the very thing that macy's, jc penny's and mcdonalds built their billion dollar empires on. it's the only way ...and make sure you hear me good. it's the absolute only way corey rudl, yanik silver, marlon sanders and others are making their money. with out these two simple very fundamental things... there is no business. you can have the smoothest headlines, the sweetest copy and the slickest website, even a million dollar advertising budget... but if you don't first make sure you score a 100% with these 2 things... you will go belly up! this simple idea for creating and marketing products will work like a swiss watch for anyone. we always use it to create and market our own products and services and affiliate products and services ...and consistently make money by the truck loads. one idea in a 39 page pdf ebook turns |
when you emailed me about a year ago, and wanted to know if we could work together promoting different products, my website was bringing in about $100.00 a month and i obviously had no idea what i was doing. you had an excellent product to promote, the rapid fire swing trading ebook, and wanted to know if i'd like to promote it. i started promoting the rapid fire swing trading ebook and the sales took off like wild fire. that was the first idea i had of how a good product could sell on the web. seeing what the rapid fire swing trading ebook was doing gave me confidence to press forward with what i was working on, because i could see the results you were getting. it was an inspiration. well it is a year later and with your help i am bringing in about $4000.00 a month, sales are growing, and i am still learning. the past year you have given me a lot of help and great ideas to help me along in my business. i saw how well your ebook was selling and wrote one of my own on commodity trading. you started promoting my commodity ebook 2002, when it was ready to go, and the sales you have generated have been nothing short of amazing. you are my #1 affiliate and without the sales you help generate, my business would not be profitable. i work with a lot of affiliates and none are even close to the sales you are helping me get. it has been a joy working with you this past year. i have dealt with a lot of different people on the web, and i can say without a doubt from personal experience there is not a more professional, honest and hard working person on the internet than you. you are helping me make my dreams of running a successful web business come true. thanks!" |
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"in the first month of stephen becoming an affiliate for my ebook, he was responsible for 53% of my total sales. he alone was responsible for more that doubling my total sales over the previous month. stephen has sold more that 5 times the total of my other affiliates combined!" - malcolm robinson learn how to day trade the futures market |
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"when you get an affiliate partner like stephen to represent your product good things happen.
as a business that's main marketing avenue is partnerships with other sites, we spend most of our time cruising the web and explaining the benefits of our program. but in stephen's case, he came to us! by sending an email that asked about our program, we were able to offer him an above average split of the revenue generated because we didn't have to spend time "selling" him. he emailed his list and asked people to take a look at our product and posted banners to support the mailing. the results were big. not just for the first mailing but for a series of mailings on our behalf over 6 months. for most of the mailings, stephen used our suggested, tested, copy. smart! why take chances? next to, the biggest futures site on the web, stephen is our most productive partner for our tradingmind software product. after saying all this, my favorite thing about our relationship with stephen is his quick decision-making. if we've just come off a successful mailing with another partner, i'll sometimes email stephen and let him know that traders seem to be buying. if he has other things going on, he'll give me a quick "can't do now" .. but many times, he'll mail his list the same day! the result is that i try to do things for him over and above our mailing efforts and he has suggestions for me. it's a partnership as it should be." |
"dear stephen
i would just like to express my gratitude for all the hard work you have put into selling my e-book ''trading for beginners'' at . since we launched our book you have been the number one affiliate responsible for over 30% of all sales we have made. if i combine the sales we have made from referring your product it adds up to a staggering 50% of our business. i have been trying to identify why you are so successful at marketing and amongst other things it's just easy to do business with you. on the rare occasion that i have contacted you i have always been answered promptly. if i have asked for help with something you have been patient enough to explain how to solve the problem and given me many tips. as you are one of clickbanks top money earners you are the target we all aspire to. i often check the sales rankings at clickbank to see who's products in the investment section is on the way up and which ones are on the way down. since i have been monitoring this your rapid fire swing trading e-book has never been knocked off the number #1 spot." |
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most other ebooks, regardless of which puffed up snotty internet marketing guru wrote it, will not make you money and doesn't tell the truth about the online business game.
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