the phobia self-help book

powerful techniques to overcome your phobia

download the phobia self-help book here! (for windows and internet explorer only - most aol users qualify)

this ebook (electronic book) contains a wealth of information about phobias and what to do about them. it's called the phobia self-help book. it's the quickest and easiest way to get up to speed on phobias. you can't buy this book in stores! this book is not available in print - only on the internet.

download now and get a free preview (the preview includes 16 of the book's 40 sections) download the phobia self-help book by clicking on the link and choosing "save" twice.

  • discover which therapies have produced proven results.

  • get facts and opinions about treatment methods.

  • avoid spending hundreds of dollars and countless hours pursuing ineffective treatments.

wouldn't you like to know...

  1. what simple, easy-to-use methods can you use yourself - in the privacy of your own home.

  2. what the surgeon general of the united states has to say about traditional psychotherapy and phobia treatment - it may shock you!

  3. cognitive-behavioral therapy - is there any evidence it works?

  4. virtual reality therapy - is it practical?

  5. drug therapy - are some doctors prescribing drugs for specific phobias knowing that there's no evidence that they alleviate the phobia?

  6. can traditional psychotherapy help?

  7. nlp - does it work?

  8. hypnotherapy - what types of hypnosis are effective for phobia treatment?

  9. emdr - what are the theories behind this method?

  10. eft or tapping - could that help me?

also included are...

  • definitions of phobias

  • the types of phobias

  • how phobias work in the nervous system

  • how phobias work in the mind

  • frequently asked questions from email i receive

  • case histories from my files

  download it now!

just download the file by clicking on a download link, then clicking "save" twice. you'll get a file called phobiacure.exe. when you've completed the download simply click on it - it will come up in your browser just like a web site! 

if you'd like to order the ebook, simply download the ebook - ordering instructions are inside the ebook.

as a special bonus, the book includes step-by-step instruction for some techniques that i've taught over and over again to help people get past their phobias.

finding root causes and resolving them can reduce or eliminate a phobia. many people don't know what experience "initialized" or caused their phobia. it's actually quite simple when you know how. use this simple technique to discover the root cause of your phobia.

the fast phobia cure is a technique for dealing with memories of past phobic experiences and imagined future situations. the fast phobia cure comes from nlp (neuro-linguistic programming), an extremely effective and fast form of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

the visual swish helps get rid of disturbing images.

the auditory swish decreases or eliminates discomfort from our internal dialog or other sounds. often used in treating fear of public speaking (and other phobias).

collapsing anchors allows us to put good feelings into situations that have felt bad in the past.

future pacing allows us to use role models, people who react like we want to react, as guides for our subconscious minds.

the phobia self-help book is a $27.77 investment. it also includes access to audio demonstrations of some of the techniques (when you're connected to the web). download it now and get a free preview on much of the material in the book.

i've helped lots of people overcome their phobia by teaching them these simple techniques. now you can learn them through this ebook.

if you want to order the book just download the phobia self-help book and follow the instructions for ordering your password.

download the phobia self-help book

phobias cured
4838 delridge way s.w., suite a
seattle wa, 98106
phone (u.s. only): 1 (877) 624-3475 or (206) 721-8751