impress everyone! learn to induce a deep trance within 3 seconds! you'll be amazed! this video includes a full explanation and a step by step on how to do an instant induction. high quality mpeg video.
a quick and gentle induction that is being more and more commonly used. effectively induce somnambulism in 3-4 minutes! this video includes an explanation and an induction script for you to read. high quality mpeg video.
nurturing, stress relieving, deeply relaxing induction used by thousands of hypnotherapists. the easiest induction for the beginner to learn! this video includes an explanation and and induction script for you to read. high quality mpeg video.
deeper is better! this video includes: counting down deepening, visual deepening, and the powerful fractionalization deepening! this video includes an explanation and deepening scripts to assist you. high quality mpeg video.
the #1 most important part to a successful hypnosis session. used to eliminate fears and build rapport. a must have! this video includes an explanation and a pre-talk script for you to read. high quality mpeg video.