
october 5, 2003

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online counseling

demands such as work overload may result in negative stress, which is called distress. unrelieved stress can take an emotional as well as physical toll, in the form of anxiety or depression, or high blood pressure and heart disease.....
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welcome to axis-one.com.  online counseling, email counseling, and phone counseling. tour the site and learn about online counseling. learn about our qualifications for online counseling. read our privacy and security commitments for online counseling. contact us about online counseling or questions and feedback about the site.

begin getting the help you need and deserve now

before you explore our resources, our wide selection of self-help information, post a message in our forum, request our informative and entertaining newsletter, learn more about yourself through our 60-second free personal assessment, or investigate our private online counseling, let me ask you a few questions:

  • are you looking for more peace in your life from the trials, challenges, and troubles that seem to bring you down?
  • are you having trouble kicking addictions that are interfering with your family, job, or happiness and you want some non-judgmental help in overcoming this problem?
  • did you recently lose a family member, close friend, a pet, or even your job and you just can't seem to get back to feeling "normal" and would like some help with your emotions?
  • are you being abused or have you been abused sexually, emotionally, or physically and you want to learn how to handle these situations or just learn how to cope with the "scars"?
  • has anyone ever told you that you have a problem with anger and you want to learn to manage it so that it doesn't ruin your life?
  • are you having other feelings or issues that are causing you frustration or sadness or just interfering with the enjoyment and pleasures of life?
  "after my daughter was diagnosed with terminal cancer i went to pieces. what mother wouldn't? i got so down and depressed that i couldn't work or do any of the things that i previously had enjoyed.

thank goodness i found this site. your slogan "your resource for change" really tells it like it is. i learned how to change my thinking and my actions so that i could feel more "normal".

lucy is in a better place now. and thanks to you and your fine people so am i."

hattie b.
north carolina

let me tell you that if you answered yes to any of those questions then you might just find what you're looking for in the pages of this site or in online counseling sessions depending on your needs and how fast you want to fix your issues.

you won't find any hype or false promises on this site, in our newsletter, or in your personal sessions what you will find is:

  • step-by-step guidance from helpful, knowledgeable, licensed professionals
  • accurate, timely updates in our informative and entertaining free newsletter
  • an abundance of free self-help information to help you overcome problems such as depression, grief, issues with anger, abuse, and addictions.
  • 60-second assessments so that you can anonymously understand exactly what may be bugging you
  • get and give free help, encouragement, and support in our forum
  • quick access to the best videos, tapes, and other materials from world renowned authors available for convenient and secure purchase
  i just wanted to send you a comment about something. i really don't like to read, never have never will. except when it comes to your newsletter. i read it cover to cover and can't wait for each issue to come out. and you know it isn't the articles that get me to read it - it's the humor section. but i feel so good after reading the jokes that i want to read the rest.

oh and one more thing. my husband pays for some newsletters that aren't even read by him and yours is twice as good. i sure hope you don't start charging for it.


one thing i promise is that you won't leave here empty handed. in fact we are adding new materials and resources almost daily. but don't worry, we've tried to make it easy to get around and find the information you need. if you get lost you can consult the site map or email us and we'll do our best to help you find what you are looking for. and if we don't have it we'll get it and put it on the site if at all possible.

we may not be able to help you in your particular situation due to the many individual circumstances people face, but we will do our best to help you understand and, more importantly, overcome whatever may trouble you.


june singletary, lcsw
axis-one, inc.

p.s. we schedule our appointments on a first-come first-served basis. register now so you don't have to wait to get the help you need and deserve.

get the latest news and information about online counseling and axis-one.com.

get the latest news and information about online counseling and axis-one.com.
click here


don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.
(calvin coolidge







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