"dietary habits for life" - the 13 day plan that allows you to lose weight and keep it off for good!



13 days to a new you!


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  • there is a way to lose weight and still enjoy the food that you're eating right now. no, you don't have to starve yourself to do it. the best part is that you not only can achieve your "ideal self" but you can keep it for the rest of your life!

  • you've decided to lose weight. that's great!

  • make it permanent this time!

  • use a simple "common sense" plan!

  • don't give up the foods that you love!


sound good?

is this all possible without changing my whole life? the answer is yes!

how many times have you heard or read this about a diet......."lose weight while you sleep!" or "take this 3 hours before you go to bed and the weight will melt right off" or "just eat this twice a day and then a sensible meal at night and you'll lose all the weight you want"? the list goes on and on doesn't it?

have you tried any of these?

  • "any diet pill"

  • "atkins diet"
  • "herbalife"
  • "nutrisystem"
  • "adipex"
  • "various prescription diet pills"
  • the "48 hour diet"
  • the "quick weight loss diet"
  • "weight watchers"


  • have you lost any weight on them?


  • but has the weight stayed off?


why didn't they work? it is very simple.

  • you can't eat the very same thing twice a day every day forever!

  • you didn't want to have to measure what you were eating for the rest of your life.
  • you couldn't cut all of the carbohydrates from your diet for the rest of your life.


so what's the secret?

this book will teach you how to become more conscious of what you're consuming before you actually eat it.

what does that mean?

it means that many times we have something to eat out of habit, because we're watching tv, maybe we're sad, or maybe we're happy. we have developed many triggers or automatic responses within us that cause us to eat.

you will first of all learn how to recognize when this is happening. when you've recognized it, you will then learn how to mentally deal with it.

you'll learn how to have small motivational conversations with yourself.

will it take some effort? yes, but no where near the effort that any other diet that you've tried has taken. this is a small effort that it will take will change your eating habits forever!

you'll say to yourself, "i knew there was a way to lose weight without sacrificing more than i could handle".

a short word about me. i am just a regular guy with common sense just like you. there's no marketing genius inside me that's gonna wow you with words that'll make you order my book.

i'm not a celebrity, doctor, nutritionist or scam artist either. i'm just a guy who has gotten frustrated with diets over the years that i could not stay on.

i'm just a guy who tried a lot of diet plans (just like you) with disastrous results until i discovered the secret that i am revealing in my new book!

before discovering this secret, i would go from one diet plan to another - losing weight - and putting it back on.

i personally lost 40 pounds on this program. went from 210 down to 170. (i'm 5' 7"). it took almost 8 months to lose the weight. but.... it's been off for 1 1/2 years

if you can find an easier way to lose weight and keep it off than what i've described in my book, i will be happy to refund every cent that you've paid.


to create a habit there's an old rule of thumb that i've heard many times:

  • once you repeat something 13 times, it becomes a habit.

  • let's use that rule here: try my plan for 13 days and see if it becomes a habit.

  • make it a personal challenge. it's only 13 days out of your life. give it an honest effort.

  • you'll not only lose weight, but you'll find that you still enjoy eating because you're still eating the same foods that you've always loved.


you will learn:

  • why you're over weight

  • how do calories/carbs/fat & proteins come into play?

  • exercise: how big a part does it play?

  • the fad and food specific diets

  • the plan for developing your dietary habits for life

  • a summary of what you just learned


depending on your reading speed, you can probably read this book in about an hour. i kept it short, concise and to the point on purpose. you can begin sooner and it also serves as a coach or a partner when you need it. just re-read sections of it over and over for motivation and support.



i'm so happy i found you. this is great, exactly what i needed. this book is worth every penny i paid and a lot more. i can finally get into some of the clothes that i had packed away in my "dream chest". i never thought i'd ever get to wear them again. i am going shopping soon because i have lost 4 dress sizes and most of the things in my closet look baggy even when i cinch them at the waist with a belt.

thanks again,


there is only diet that really works.....the one you are happy to stay with for the rest of your life. that's right. any other diet is temporary. you need something permanent. a plan that's not a 300 page book that you'll only lose interest in when you should be losing weight.

this plan is presented in a short but concise e-book. purchase it today and start developing your "dietary habits for life" tomorrow. i'm offering the book for only $14.95 for a limited time only! this offer is good until: midnight 10/05/2003. you can use your credit card or paypal right now. just click on the payment method of your choice below. the only thing you have to lose is weight!



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need motivational support? need some help? have comments or questions? i will give you unlimited email support for as long as it takes for you to reach your goal.

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if you have any questions, doubts or just comments, i would love to hear them.............

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