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are you habitually 10 minutes late for work?amazingly simple, radical new strategies for ending self defeating habitual tardiness.
do you have to set your clock ahead 10 minutes just to try to be on time? have you tried (and failed) at adopting new strategies for getting yourself off to work on time? are you filled with disappointment and self hatred for your being late again and again during your ride to work? do you become anxious, when you let yourself run out of time, before you leave? has this turned into panic stricken terror once you've driven onto the freeway? are you in fear of getting yet another speeding ticket trying to get to work (almost) on time? does starting your car, knowing that you only have 18 minutes left to get to work, welcome to the confusing world of late people.you can tell from the questions, that i've lived being consistently tardy at work caused me much pain and anguish. ...read on and you can find out how to change
we're late people, locked into a being consistently late affects not only your self esteem, it can eat away at your soul! the habit of consistently being tardy is a serious disorder!are you late for anything else in your life?
punctual people just don't get it- they couldn't possibly have the slightest clue how devastating this dysfunctional self destructive behavior pattern can be. people that are always late are not bad people! they are often capable of:
...but at the end of the year their w2 forms don't really reflect that. some consistently late employees play a "poor me" game with themselves...a passive aggressive game (that they are probably unconscious of):
end that repetitive self destructive behavior painlessly, effortlessly and permanently.
do you know people who are always early? don't you just hate people like that? ...well you can be one of those people now! being ontime says volumes about who you are as a person, managers perceive how effective you are at accomplishing tasks (and give out responsibilities and raises in salary) based on your punctuality. becoming the kind of person who is punctual, always on time...or even <shudder> early is a skill. ...a set of skills that can be easily installed! people that are always early are not supermen. they were not born that way. tony robbins has said: "the past does not equal the future" good habits are not something you missed out on. they aren't fixed things that are beyond your capability. ...confidence is something you create it's something we all have...on tap
mind games? this is not simply changing the ‘mind games’ you play in your head. this is about a quantum internal jump from victim based behavior to a state of ‘effortless confidence’. it's highly likely that up till now, all of your current efforts at correcting this repetitive behavior pattern have been limited to:
if the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, all of your problems tend to look like nails. there are many, many ways to 'skin this cat'. there are revolutionary, yet ridiculously simple ways to effect massive internal change that are not just 'pumping yourself up intellectually' with "i feel good" or "i'm a worthy person" and other such dribble. the strategies you'll use here are adapted from tony robbins' version of n.l.p. "wouldn't you love to wake up and look forward to getting into work each morning? here's how..."get this amazing set of strategies now with the: "keep your job! how to stop being fired for being late" ebookonly $23.95 what this book is not:
what's inside: practical radically different effective strategies that you can use right now! check yourself for the following questions:
plus this incredible bonus offer! buyers of "keep your job! how to stop being fired for being late" also get double the purchase price rebate for the purchase of anthony robbins' "personal power 2" or "get the edge" cd/tape set. that's a double your money back deal! find out more... this amazing "ebook" is available now. as a matter of fact, you could have "keep your job! how to stop being fired for being late" immediately. to find out more, click here for full information. available now "keep your job! how to stop being fired for being late" is also available in cd format. it will be shipped out to you within 24 business hours of your order. to get this product, visit our online order form.
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