alcoholism & drug addiction treatment alternatives
welcome visitor from salmon arm british columbia to frontiers: the toledo, ohio drug and alcohol addiction alternative site. tired of drinking or using drugs? tried aa, counseling and rehabs? there is hope and help available. find out how many have recovered on their own and what you can do in the "forgotten five-steps" ebook and get online assistance!
frontiers! recovery & treatment alternatives to: alcohol & drug addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism, substance abuse & alcohol abuse. drug & alcohol addiction is a choice, not a disease! ![]()
"success is not measured by the position one has reached in life; but by the obstacles one has overcome while trying to achieve." booker t. washington..... ![]()
the drug abuse & alcohol abuse
addiction recovery option
toledo, ohio ~ ebook, phone consultation & online help
drug abuse and alcohol addiction is not a disease, but a choice. you do not have to be a passive bystander to an imaginary disease of drug abuse or alcohol addiction; give up your will; be labeled as an alcoholic or "in recovery"; or attend meetings and substance abuse treatment for the rest of your life! (unless you want to)
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the majority of people who have had problems with alcohol abuse or drug addiction in the past quit on their own. even those currently struggling with drug abuse or alcohol addiction will tell you that they have often refrained from drug or alcohol use for a period of time. there is no mysterious disease here, it is a matter of choice. editor's note
you are in complete control right now! no one is stopping you from cracking that beer, or sniffing that powder. if you want to use alcohol or drugs, you will. addicts always find a way.
so why is the alternative to using (not using) alcohol or drugs so difficult to comprehend? we can choose to pick up a beer whenever we fancy. but if we want to put that beer down, all of a sudden there are diseases, character defects, meetings, counseling treatment sessions, etc., to contend with!
80% of those who have had an alcohol abuse or drug abuse problem, have quit on their own and without treatment and all the drama and struggle!
why can't i stop using alcohol or drugs? there is hope and you can change your life! phone consultation, ebook & online help available!
alcoholism help, drugs help, addiction self help
but what about the 20% who really have a desire to stop using drugs or alcohol but just can't seem to quit with the current treatment practices? these people seem to abstain for a while only to fall prey to the inevitable "relapse". after much hard work in aa or substance abuse treatment and many promises broken, they prove the point once again that addiction is a disease.
however, if you are honest, you will see that there is a reason for your current choice of addictive behavior. it is simply a matter of fear and trying to maintain control of your personal life and feelings. no one likes to feel helpless, so you attempt to re-assert your control by using. the way most familiar to you.
the substance is not important here, but rather your "deciding" to use again. it’s your wanting to drink or drug. think about it. there have been times when stress at work, family life, or any life circumstance has caused you to feel overwhelmed and like your life is not your own. as soon as you “decide” to go get some liquor, you feel a release. you have a plan. you regain some control. what happens? the deciding, “to get some liquor” becomes your focus and obsession. you are able to re-assert your will and regain a sense of normalcy.
or so you think! you have been misled and deceived! alcohol and drugs do not enable you to regain control. they further diminish your ability to resolve life conflicts and create a void between yourself and the world. while you are struggling to escape the helplessness you feel, you are neglecting healthy responsibilities to issues that arise which could have been resolved or dealt with instead of being exasperated by your addictive behavior.
you might be thinking, “this is obvious and common sense stuff!” but then why do so many fall for the illusion of control trap? because we have been led to believe that alcohol and drugs help us escape.
but, even worse, we have been told by the treatment professionals that addiction is not under our control, that it is a disease! what a perfect “out” for someone who doesn’t want to cope with life responsibilities! “hey, look, it is just my disease. i can’t help it.”
online help! phone consultation! the ebook
alcoholism help, drugs help, addiction self help
let me illustrate one example. you go to the doctor for a small spot on your face that you are worried about. the doctor says it is a rash and gives you some cream to put on it everyday to get rid of it. you apply the cream, but as the days go by the rash gets bigger and bigger. you apply more and more cream, because you trust the doctor gave you the right ointment. but, the rash gets bigger and bigger! would you still apply the cream? absolutely not! it is the cream that is causing the rash to get bigger! in fact you may want to switch doctors! just like the cream, alcohol and drugs do the same to us emotionally, physically, financially, socially, and spiritually. but worse yet, we have been told that the cream (alcohol treatment and drug treatment) works!
online help & phone consultation! alcoholism help, drugs help, addiction self help
drug abuse & alcohol abuse recovery
toledo, ohio
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those who struggle with alcohol abuse or drug addictions are finding that often the “treatment professionals” or mainstream thinking isn’t helping them. three or four rehabs later, many counseling sessions attended, and hundreds or even thousands of dollars spent only to find out that relapse is a part of treatment and the addiction "disease" is with you forever! what? then why go? if something does not produce acceptable results, why continue in it? because we have been led to believe by the treatment professionals that it is the only way.
you do not have a disease! and there are recovery alternatives to current drug abuse and alcohol addiction treatment! your will to survive is strong, and your own path unique. i found that people who have overcome a drug or alcohol addiction did so through a willingness and a desire to redirect their lives.
below you will find links to view on drug abuse and alcohol abuse information. there is an addiction forum where you can post questions and comments. you can also contact me directly through my email. there is also an excellent ebook available that gives practical and realistic solutions to the person struggling with an addiction and those who try to help.
the substance abuse & addiction option
alcoholism help, drugs help, addiction self help
there are vast amounts of information out there on the subject, and my goal is to keep it real. i've seen what can work and i know the potential each human has and can choose to use, if the desire is there and the right information and motivation is available.
i must emphasize that i believe in the value of each person, and like myself, each must come to terms with who they are, what they desire, and their own way of finding it. my purpose here is to share what i have learned in the process and hope that it will encourage others to do the same. the question i often ask myself is "what statement do i want to give to the world?" well, here are some, of many, that myself and others have deemed important enough to share.
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frontiers! addiction recovery & treatment option, toledo, ohio
drug abuse and alcohol abuse addiction recovery
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tim welch: toledo, ohio treatment alternative
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