now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things. let me explain.the miracle working masters course will give you the power to shape your destiny. you will learn how to master yourself and others with hypnosis and self hypnosis. there is a reason that fortune always seems to smile on some people and why nothing good ever seems to happen for others. the masters course will show you how to change everything that is holding you back. it will show you how to become a better parent,husband,wife,lover,employee,boss,leader,and person. say goodbye to sleepless nights, say goodbye to allergies or asthma. get real relief with these techniques. and there is more, much much more. what are you waiting on? time waits for no man. he who hesitates is lost. its now or never. you have too much on the line to leave it to chance. things will never be the same. its a whole new world. all the secrets will be yours! you need this and you know it! a wise man once said "when the student is ready the teacher will appear. if you're ready. if you're ready your teacher is making his appearance in the form of the masters course. do the right thing and order your course now. your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. not 99.9%, 100%. it doesn't get any better than that. don't take my word for it.
• testimonial: " i must tell you i was skeptical at first. i've tried everything that came down the pike and nothings ever worked for me. until now. i ordered the masters course. i applied myself. it was easy. i've never been more satisfied with a product in my life. i'm a brand new me!" |
• testimonial: "when you said the masters course would teach me how to hypnotize anyone you weren't kidding. it has never failed me yet. it's worked first time everytime for me. it's easier than falling off a log. |
• testimonial: "if only everyone on the internet delivered the goods like you people do what a wonderful world it would be. thanks a million" |
• testimonial: "i could just kick myself. i came across your ad for the masters course about 6 months ago. i didn't buy the course then. i came across your ad again about 6 weeks ago. this time i had the good sense to order the masters course. what a deal. since i ordered the course i've turned my life around 180 degrees. i only regret the time i lost when i didn't order the first time. i could just kick myself." |
• testimonial: "the masters course is priceless. i wouldn't sell it back to you for 10 times what i paid for it." |
there is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. i want to give you 3 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:
make sure that the product you order is a complete turnkey system. the masters course is such a product. some people will nickel and dime you to death. they will tell you that to be able to this or that you'll have to order additional products. the master course on the other hand is a complete self sufficient product. it is everything you need to master yourself and others with hypnosis and self hypnosis. there is no other product you'll need to buy to accomplish this objective. not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
make sure that you get the complete scripts for hypnotizing yourself and others. with all the basic scripts you can modify them to fit any situation and circumstance you can imagine. you can make an endless number of tapes that you can play back to hypnotize yourself if you like. while this is not at all a requirement of this course it is one of the many options that the masters course provides you.
price the competition. absolutely no one in this industry gives you so much for so little. you won't get this kind of bang for your buck anywhere else.the masters course is in a class by itself.
if you came to me and asked me to teach you one on one how to master yourself and others with hypnosis and self hypnosis, i would charge you $2500 and it would be worth every penny. after all
what is taking your life back worth to you. can you put a dollar figure on it?
this is serious stuff. when you get right down to it,its your life. thats the bottom line.
i'm sure you want to know what you get for your money other than a receipt and that a fair question. you get the masters course. a complete turnkey system that will teach you unequivocally how to master yourself and others with hypnosis and self hypnosis. please don't underestimate the power and the potential this phenomenal life changing course can bring into your life. the masters course is a difference maker. and it will make a major difference in your life. you risk absolutely nothing. your satisfication is 100% guaranteed. far less than 1% of the multitude of people who have ordered the masters course have requested a refund. those request have always been honored the same day they were made. absolutely no hard feeling. we remain grateful for the opportunity to show our stuff. "and what is all of this going to cost me?"
we're glad you asked. we're putting the masters course on sale for you. right here right now.
if you respond right away, you pay only $59.95 $29.95.
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by the way, these bonuses are yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our ironclad moneyback guarantee:
we normally offer a 30 day gurantee. however as special bonus to you we're offering an ironclad 6 month guarantee if you order the masters course now. that way you have a full 6 months to make up your mind about our product. the only way you could possibly lose is by not ordering the masters course now.
"what i'm saying is,don't decide now if the masters course is for you. just get it and try it out. take it thru its paces. if it doesn't do everything i say and more,if it isn't life changing,if it doesn't work for you,you have absolutely nothing to worry about because you can get every dime of your money back under our no-loopholes 6 month guarantee. so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain"
to order the masters course just click the button below
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to your success,
edward jones, president
p.s. "remember,our 6 month unconditional guarantee is only available if you order now. so don't delay act now while it's fresh on your mind.
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