mainland press is a publisher of humor with a literary flair. stroll over to our book selection to find the best in humorous fiction, including the  bestselling "management secrets of t. john dick." the astonishing recent upsurge in sales has temporarily cleaned out amazon and most bookstores, but we still have it available! get your copy here!

take refuge from the pressures of everyday modern living in the pages of our magazine with its unusual perspective on news and the world, jokes, (mostly) humorous short stories, a wee bit of poetry and the inimitable movie reviews of brigadier general sir crispin maddingley-snorrt, k.b. (ret'd),

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issue 7 now on line!

plunge into the cool, refreshing pages of our archives. luxuriate in the healing waters of previous issues of fool's paradise magazine.

for your convenience. one click takes you to the best of our short stories.


our most popular feature. get a first-hand account of the making of this epic movie from the chap who played valet number 2.  who can forget his performance? who can remember it? who even noticed it?

what is that smoke coming from his pants?

who the heck is he?

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the management secrets of t. john dick, by augustus gump, literary giant, recently surged to number 5 on the amazon fiction bestseller list and a preposterous number 2 in the business category. this has resulted in shortages and stock-outs in on-line and brick and mortar stores. don't panic- we still have some copies left. and shipping is free by us mail, discounted by ups. get yours here.
or call our t. john dick shortage crisis hotline at 828-325-4977 to order your copy.