2003-07-06: latest version 1.5.6 reinstalled on site. see changes for changes since 1.5.3.
2003-04-05: version 1.5.3 fixes a bug in cannon handling, and adds a dialog to select the font used for text windows.
2003-04-02: version 1.5.2 fixes one bug causing crashes, one bug causing a lockup in certain (rare) circumstances on mah-jong, and a couple of other small things.
2003-03-16: version 1.5.1 fixes a bug in the server (important for those running a public server); and adds a workround for a bug/misfeature in the microsoft runtime libraries (upgrade advised for those using the windows client to connect to public servers).
2003-03-15: version 1.5 fixes a few bugs and adds many new features. see the changes file for a summary.
included in the distribution is a set of small (3/4 size) tiles, which may be useful to those with 800x600 displays. it is also available as a zip file tiles-small.zip for those not wishing to upgrade.
2002-08-11: version 1.4.1 fixes a couple of minor bugs.
2002-03-31: version 1.4 adds the possibility to use millington's rules for concealed and exposed kongs.
the best book for use with this program is a. d. millington's complete book of mah-jong; this is now considered the standard reference for the classical chinese game, and my program uses millington's rules. it's published in britain, and not generally available in the u.s., but you can find it at amazon uk by clicking on the title. (if you think you will buy this book, please click on that title and add it to your shopping basket - you can always remove it later. amazon give me 15% commission that way, but only 5% if you first browse or search.)
there are many other books available, for which amazon is a good source.
you can search amazon uk for mah-jong books here:
you need version 1.2 (or later?) of the gtk+ libraries (and of course headers in order to build from source) - on windows, at least version 1.3 release of 2000-12-26; for further information, see the latest readme file.
to build the programs from source, you also need perl, and preferably gnu make; on windows you will need various microsoft files which are part of the platform sdk (which is fortunately available free of charge from their web site); and it will be easier to build with gcc, although possible with visual c.
to decide whether you want to upgrade, read the brief notes of the differences between successive releases in the changes file.
the normal linux binaries are in the linux directory.
the "static-mj-linux-i386" distribution has the gtk+ libraries compiled in; get this only if you don't already have gtk+ installed.
the statically linked linux binaries are in the linuxstatic directory.
nicolas boullis has put together a debian package for xmj. it can be found at http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~nboullis/debian/. note:i have no responsibility for this package.
the binaries are in the windows directory.
since the gtk+ dlls are not a standard part of a windows system, for your convenience i have packed all the necessary libraries into a zip file gtkdlls.zip (1.4mb) which you will also find in the windows directory.