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saturday, october 04, 2003

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napster's #1 replacement software is back!
    "now you can burn, download mp3s, and make cds free"

remember how you used to log on to napster and start downloading your favorite music? well napster replacement software is back better than ever. you can sign up with today and start downloading your favorite music immediately. we will show and share with you all the software and tools you need to start downloading any type of songs and movies once you sign up. you will have immediate access to over a billion mp3 music files guaranteed! just imagine having access to all your favorite artist and song titles on your very own computer. no need to look anywhere else because we are the #1 source to provide you with the tools to start making your very own music cds today!


free music, movies, games and more guaranteed!

now you too will have access to the best  #1 napsters mp3 replacement software! you will be able to download and search for unlimited music and movie files for free, make music cds, and play them on your home or car stereo guaranteed! we guarantee that you will find any type of music that you are looking for or you can get a complete refund and keep the software for free. that is our way of showing you how confident we are with our service.

why join mp3 download city?

dot.gif (829 bytes) over a billion free mp3 music,  movies, tv shows, games and more!
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we guarantee you will find what you are looking for or you can get a complete refund and keep the software free

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become a  lifetime member today for a small one time sign up fee!

"and remember, we guarantee that you will find any type of music, song titles and artist that you are looking for or you can get a complete refund and keep the software for free"

now you can start downloading and burning all your favorite music and movies for free guaranteed. you will be able to find all and every type of music here at join today and start enjoying the #1 napster replacement software.

ps. sign up today and receive the following bonuses free!

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how would you like to download your favorite games today?  how would you like to download the latest and most popular games for playstion, xbox nintendo and more for free?  no need to look anywhere else because we are the #1 source to provide you with the tools to start downloading full versions of your favorite games!

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how would you like to download movies still in theatres, as well as movies out on dvd? go no further, you have just found the #1 source for downloading movies. once you join, you will immediately be able to search and download all of your most favorite movies and then play them on your dvd player.

now you too will have access to the best  #1 movie download software! you will be able to download and search for unlimited movie files for free, download them to cd, and play on your dvd player immediately!

click here to become a member and start downloading and burning your favorite music, movies and games immediately!

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