attention: e-zine editors, authors, and info publishers...
who else wants to learn the hidden secrets of quickly turning any e-newsletter into a $20,000/month automatic profit generator?
best part: you can do it overnight, without any special skills or equipment or investment! almost no one has caught on to these stunning secrets...
if you thought publishing ebooks was the next big money making revolution, think again.
i've recently developed an electronic newsletter publishing formula that's so powerful, i can stop marketing today - not get another paying customer for the next 6 months - and still pull anywhere from $10,000-$20,000 a month.
this formula:
doesn't require you to get advertisers.
doesn't require you to have any extraordinary writing skills. in fact, if you can write a 1-2 paragraph description, you can make it work for you.
doesn't require a huge investment. i started off with an $18.95 a month web site, and a 15-hour weekly commitment.
is hardly being used online. so your competition is practically zero. (right now, i don't have any competitors.)
dear information publisher,
publishing, promoting, and teaching others how to sell their information products online is my life. (and has been since 1996.) my list of credits include...
- make your knowledge sell
which i co-authored with bestselling author of make your site sell, dr. ken evoy. just released march 2000, this 1,143 page ebook is sold on hundreds of sites across the net. (just look it up in any search engine, and you'll see first hand for yourself.) it's now considered to be the information publishers bible.
- how to successfully sell information products online
in 1999, hundreds of people invested $269 to receive this 7-manual set.
- the online infosellers jump start kit
the only workbook set for infopreneurs that features a complete set of checklists, templates and submission guides, for total internet success.
- the information marketers internet mastery program
my latest 12 video set. it includes all the sessions from my 3-day, $1,495 workshop in october 1999.
- how to make your business famous in 6 months or less
this print manual has been featured in magazines like spare time, business 97, upline, and several others.
- how to make $100,000 a year promoting and selling market research reports online
- successful schmoozing on the net
and 9 other titles, in the form of ebooks, video tapes, booklets, special reports and manuals. read what others have said about my work...
"more than doubled my sales"
i made the changes and so far here are the results: 3-4 books a day instead of 2/week double the signups to edi virtual seminar and free teleclass.
phyllis davis-minik author, edi basics workshop
"i'm absolutely sure that without this extremely valuable advice i received from you, i wouldn't have achieved even one-quarter of my report sales."
i have absolutely no hesitation in saying you are one of the best online marketing counsellors i've come across in my one thousand-plus hours online, and greatly appreciate your sharing your experience and knowledge with others on the web.
thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
dr. mani sivasubramanian, m.d. author, after the fontan: how fontan survivors fare in the long run
"before you get online, get monique" 'experts' are plentiful as grains of sand on a beach. read their material; study what they are saying to you. is it convincing? is the material realistic or puffery? do they preach a 'get-rich-quick' mentality, or do they convey a persistent, stick-with-it attitude to achieve success? internet-hype is cheap and pervasive. credibility and sincerity are the elements for a strong foundation for e-commerce.
monique is that rare grain of sand that has transformed her knowledge into pearls of wisdom for anyone wanting to be a successful marketeer on the internet. before you get online, get monique.
bill west, crs author, the garagenous zone - the complete garage organizer guide
"every page reveals something new and interesting"
in my opinion, these manuals are a fantastic resource. my only regret is not getting them sooner! monique harris delivers a non-stop flow of solid marketing advice that's actually based on her own online experiences, rather than theory.
robert d. boduch author, great headlines instantly! so as you can see, clearly i'm no novice at the game of creating and selling information over the internet.
"well recently i put my years of information marketing knowledge to a huge test..."
you see everybody's always saying that it's impossible to get people to pay for access to an electronic publication. online marketing guru's swear that you should only use an e-zine - (short for electronic newsletter) - to promote another product. they say you should never charge your subscribers.
i imagine that many of you reading this letter have blindly followed this oft given advice. (i know that i have!) and sure... perhaps you've made a couple of extra dollars selling ad's in your publication. or you generate a few product sales because of your e-zine.
but i bet in the back of your mind, you've thought to yourself that this whole promotional e-zine development thing was damn hard work!
for the amount of time and labor you invest in creating a free e-zine, you rarely get back a sizable return of revenue. (and by 'sizable,' i mean $10,000 a month, or more.)
yeah - i've been on this roller coaster ride too!
however, in january 2000 i decided that enough was enough. i was going to see first hand whether or not people were as apprehensive about paying for electronic newsletters over the net, as i'd heard so many times.
i'm now 10+ months into this venture. so what did i learn?
"dear friends... we've all been suckered!"
people are willing to pay for subscriptions to electronic newsletters - (just like they're willing to pay for everything else online).
i started getting paying subscribers to my electronic newsletter, digital publishing & promotion, less than 6 days after i launched it. back then i was charging $67 a year for access. today the subscription rate is up to $249 a year - (an increase of $182, in less than six months). and still 1 out of every 25-30 of my web site visitors subscribe.
"but you want to know what really amazes the heck out of me?"
right now i make more money each month promoting my fee-based, electronic newsletter, than i do selling any of my other ebooks, manuals or video tapes combined. and that's after only 6 months of on-and-off marketing! yes... i said on-and-off marketing. i don't sit at the computer all day trying to get people to subscribe to my newsletter.
the formula i've discovered is so powerful, that i can stop promoting my newsletter at any given time, and still pull anywhere from $10,000-$20,000 a month. and mind you, that's with less than 1,000 subscribers.
there's no other information product out there that'll give you a *constant revenue stream*, from such a small number of customers. not ebooks... not booklets... not audio tapes... nor special interest videos - nothing else costs so little to deliver, while giving residual income month after month, year after year, except electronic newsletters.
"and with my new manual in your hands, you'll learn exactly how i got nearly 800 people to pay $19.95 a month for access to my own electronic newsletter"
if you want to make a full-time income publishing an e-newsletter, there are certain strategies you must follow. you can very well discover these tactics on your own, by going through months of trial and error.
but before you do, remember this -- my entire business is centered around selling information online. and i still spent dozens of work hours, as well as thousands of dollars, attempting to figure out what works, publishing my own electronic newsletter.
so why subject yourself to similar tortures?!? (unless you get some sort of insane thrill from wasting time and money unnecessarily.)
you can beat the learning curve, and take advantage of all the hard work i've already done. a small investment in my manual, the paperless newsletter publishers guide, will give you...
- the critical tools you'll need to develop a $250,000 a year newsletter idea, in 48-hours or less. my mix-and-match newsletter niche formula will have you coming up with new ideas in just minutes.
- 3 undercover techniques for discovering what your readers really want in a newsletter. don't guess, when you can hear it directly from their mouths.
- a straightforward newsletter format that people are always willing to pay for. (and it won't require you to have any serious writing skills.)
- what to put on your web site so that you'll gather subscribers faster than michael johnson runs the 100-yard dash!
- a rarely used subscription payment plan that'll capture freebie seekers like crazy. most internet marketers say you can't make money from freebie seekers. i'm going to show you a simple way to grab hold of this gigantic market, and make anywhere from $10-$240 per subscriber.
- a complete step-by-step road map for researching and writing the content in your newsletter. i'll show you how to decrease your research time from days to hours.
- 10 sure-fire recipes for securing at least 100 cash paying subscribers in 30-days. implement these techniques on a regular basis, and you'll be making $20,000 a month - (or more) - in less than a year.
- the resources to help you completely automate the order-taking process. forget about processing credit cards, adding new subscribers, delivering passwords, and all those other time-consuming administrative tasks. when you get finished reading this manual, the only thing you'll have to worry about is writing the actual newsletter.
- 5 elements you can add to your offer, that'll draw new subscribers like bees to honey.
the paperless newsletter publishers guide is a quick, yet comprehensive, read. there's no fluff. you'll find the exact formula i've been quietly using to earn $500+ everyday with my own electronic newsletter. i don't know of anybody else who's doing what i'm doing, to this degree.
buy it today, and you'll want to start implementing the suggestions almost immediately. (i'm telling you, it's not hard!)
and best of all...
you also get terry dean's new manual "digital newsletter publishing: step-by-step guide to creating your own highly profitable online membership site"
this brand new manual from terry dean is the perfect companion course to get your "digital publication" started quickly and easily.
terry is well-known internetwide for his ability to take complicated subjects and boil them down into simple step-by-step systems. this new manual is no exception. he will take you by the hand and lead you straight through the entire setup process and your very profitable membership launch.
- find out the 7 step system you can use to make sure you have the perfect membership site topic to generate thousands of new subscribers.
- how to get professional writers to write 95% of the content for your product exclusively for you only...for free!
- printed text is only the beginning...find out the 10 types of in-demand information you can produce and supply to your members at little or no cost.
- learn about the membership site mistake terry made which has cost him a minimum of $1,000,000...and how almost everyone starting a membership site is making the exact same mistake he did!
- 10 surefire recipes for generating thousands of paying subscribers to your publication with little or no money...
- how to set up the complete system on auto-pilot including order taking, credit card processing, digital delivery, and more...your own membership site is the perfect internet business.
"digital newsletter publishing" will guide you step-by-step through the creation of the site topic, setting up the automatic ordering systems, password protection, having others produce your content for you, and promoting your site for the first several thousand members.
"you'll get 3 additional training bonuses to help improve your operation"
training module #1 - "ebook secrets: how to create and sell your own profitable ebooks on the web" ($39 value) this 420 page best selling book by ken silver will reveal to you even more ideas about how to create your own profitable digital information publishing business.
this ebook will teach you how to set up your web site, how to write successful sales copy, and how to write your own profitable materials. it is the perfect compliment to the two training manuals above...
training module #2 - 8 more ways to profit from your electronic newsletter ($47 value) wanna make another $10,000-$500,000 from your publication? this special report will give you eight easy-to-implement ideas that'll turbo boost your profits.
i personally made $4,000 in a single day, using just one of these powerful techniques. i guarantee you'll be amazed to learn how simple it is to create additional revenue streams from your publication.
training module #3 - promotional, profit and power strategies for online newsletter publishers ($47 value) this 43-page special report offers a virtual recipe book of techniques to keep your campaign going strong. lots of great ideas whether you're just getting started, or you need something to jump start your sales.
"there's no reason for you to miss out on this one-of-a-kind package"
if you want the luxury of earning a steady income month after month - without having to spend every waking moment promoting your publication - you'll immediately click on over to the secure order page, and purchase the paperless newsletter publishers guide right now.
i've made it incredibly easy for you to learn the art and craft of producing a fee-based, electronic newsletter. plus...
1) i'm so confident that you'll be able to develop a highly profitable, fee-based electronic newsletter, that i'm willing to back up my offer with a bold guarantee.
within the next 6 months if you don't make at least $10,000 using my strategies, or if for any reason you're unsatisfied with the package, simply return the materials to me. you'll receive a complete refund. no questions asked.
you see i'm a no-nonsense business person. and i'm 100% sure that you're going to gain a wealth of information from this set. so i don't mind putting my butt on the line to prove that point.
2) your investment for this powerful information is only $97.
when i first started my electronic newsletter in january 2000, it cost me wa-a-a-ay more than $97 to determine what worked, and what didn't. (in addition to all the time i had to spend perfecting this formula.) you don't have to make the same mistakes that i did.
granted, this package isn't some 1,000 page mega-set. for $97 i'm giving you the power to cut out all the guesswork, and get my secrets in a quick, easy-to-follow format. if you don't think your time - (at least 10 months worth) - is worth $97, then there's no need for you to order.
but if you want to start building your newsletter publishing empire today - for the least amount of money... using techniques that have been proven to work - you'll confidently order this set.
3) order today, and you'll have access to this ebook instantly.
please note that these manuals are in free acrobat pdf format so they will work on ibm compatibles and macintosh computers, but will not work on web tv at this current time.
"look around the net - hardly any other infopreneurs are publishing fee-based electronic newsletters!"
so there's practically no competition right now.
learn these powerful strategies today, and you'll be well on your way to creating a revenue stream that will pay you for years to come. you can't lose - (unless you delay on this offer).
order with our secure order form now!
yes! i want to learn how you get thousands of people to pay every single month for an electronic newsletter. i want the luxury of earning a steady income month after month - without having to spend every waking moment promoting my publication.
if i'm not satisfied for any reason in the next 6 months, i understand you'll give me a full money back refund of my $97.
every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. the testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. as with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. |
i look forward to helping you produce a profitable electronic newsletter!
warmest regards,
monique harris & terry dean authors, the paperless newsletter publishers guide & digital newsletter publishing
p.s. please take note that we can't guarantee how long we will be offering both monique harris' the paperless newsletter publishers guide and terry dean's digital newsletter publishing together for one low need to get yours before the competition does, without any risk at all... |