how to win a high school election
looking for great ideas for your campaign speech & posters?  you've come to the right place!

over 1,000 students from across the country contributed their observations and tips for this book.

copy their ideas. avoid their mistakes. see what worked (and what didn't work) for candidates in other schools.

underdogs win all the time. here's how.

you can run for student council against the most popular kid in your class... and win! (really!)

letters from readers:

"thank you so much for writing this book. it really helped me during my campaign which ultimately led me win my freshman election for class president. the advice inside the book was something everyone that is thinking about running for office should read. this book does not tell you secrets or cheats to win elections, it offers some great ideas and advice on how you might. all in all, "how to win a high school election" was a wonderful book. everyone thinking about running for student council or class council office in school should definitely read it." -- stephanie sun (freshman class president) brighton, michigan

"jeff, hi. my name is zach davis. i just wanted you to know that i was a candidate in an upcoming election, read your book, and thanks to it, i won! well, i just wanted you to know that. i will tell all my friends. i could never thank you enough!" -- zach a. davis (secretary, tri-hi-y club, sts. peter and paul school) lexington, kentucky

"hey jeff, thank you so much. i've used your book and its helped me win a class election. thank you so much for spending time to help students across the nation have the confidence and ideas to win." -- jeff liu (class treasurer) los angeles, california

"hi jeff, i'm just writing to tell you that i won my grade 9 elections. i used one of the ideas that i found in your online highlights. it was great! thanx a lot for your help!" -- michael kirsh (grade 9 student representative to board of student senators, thornhill high school) thornhill, ontario, canada

"dear jeff, hi my name is marin and i'm a 13 year old student at james w. parker middle school. today i was announced the new student body president of my school. i was the only girl running and my opponents were all well liked and popular. i thought this book would help. and it did! i won by a mere 5 votes but there is a very good chance i never would have won and the book helped. it really did! pretty cool huh? well the girl known as miss president wanted to say thank you for the help!" -- marin cogan (student body president, james w. parker middle school) edinboro, pennsylvania

click here to access the entire book, how to win a high school election, right here, right now, over the internet.

campaign slogan for student council

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