those who choose an affair don't have a clue.
they are either lost in their empty neediness or their life is run by their glands. choosing an affair is temporary insanity. affairs have absolutely nothing to do with love - everything to do with personal neediness and the narcissistic need for intense flattery.
be smart: don't go down the
tubes with him.
be smart: take premeditated, highly calculated, on-target action. you can still love him, want the best for him and hope for a revitalized marriage, but for goodness sakes, don't sell your soul or go off the deep end.
my new e-book, "break free from the affair" shows you how to be smart!
know in your heart that the affair
is not your fault
what you did or did not do did not "cause" the affair. she chose that avenue to solve her dilemma. did you make mistakes? sure, we all do. could you have done some things differently? of course! she could have also! you are not defective. no one is a better lover or person than you. nothing is wrong with you!
"break free from the affair" puts that belief in your heart, where it belongs.
knowledge about affairs gives you power
"break free from the affair" teaches you about affairs. for one thing they are exceeding complex and different.
actually, i've identified 7 kinds of affairs marked by the different excuses most commonly used:
"break free from the affair" describes in detail the patterns for each affair. you soon understand exactly what you are up against. it may not be pleasant but at least you no longer flounder in the dark feeling helpless.
here's a teaser. mouse over this phrase and i give a couple of the keys to the "i can't say no" affair.
discover what internally drives him to this act of insanity
people with different motives have different kinds of affairs.
mouse over here to see who typically enters into an affair with the excuse, "my marriage made me do it"
it suddenly hits you, "this person has a problem! - and it's not all mine!" (this is not to say you don't have problems, we all do, but they have their origin in you, not someone else or an institution such as marriage.)
i outline the "personal characteristics" for each of the 7 affairs.
the toughest question you must
ask yourself first
… before you have any hope of stopping the affair or saving the marriage
your first hurdle is huge.
here's the question you must face: do i really want to be (married) in relationship with this person?
don't jump past this one with, "sure, i love her… even though she's doing this." it usually is a bit more complicated.
do i really want to be married to her? or do i want to be with her out of my own neediness? or for other reasons? if you come at her with your neediness or these other reasons you are shooting yourself in the foot. in the long run, the chances of getting what you want are slim.
relax, "break free from the affair" guides you through these questions for each kind of affair. (mouse over here for snippet from "i don't want to say no affair.) you will be much clearer on what you really want. she will know and she will respect that.
can your marriage be saved?
as you might guess, the odds of saving your marriage vary according to the kind of affair facing you.
"break free from the affair" gives you a realistic appraisal of saving your marriage for each kind of affair. i use a scale of 1 - 10 and the odds are based on the premise that you and he will continue in the same patterns.
for example, i give the "my marriage made me do it" between an 8 and 9 on a scale of 1-10 where 10 means there is no way the marriage can be saved. i give the "i want to get back at him" affair (the revenge affair) a 3.
these are not arbitrary numbers. i give all the reasons for those numbers in the e-book. once you understand each kind of affair and the kind of person who engages in that kind of affair, it all makes sense. and…you feel better.
your crystal ball - predict the future
yes, you can see into the future. affairs are predictable. "break free from the affair" gives you the information so that:
•you can know what is going to happen next.
•you can know how long she will be involved in that affair.
•you can know whether she is more susceptible to a one-night stand or a long-term affair.
•you can predict whether this will be the one and only affair or whether more are down the line.
•you can know what her relationship with the op is like.
•you can know whether they will live happily ever after.
•you can know whether it is primarily a sexual relationship or emotional relationship.
•you can predict how and when the affair will end.
once you have the knowledge, once you understand the person(s), once you see the patterns, it all makes sense.
how to increase the odds of saving the marriage, if that's what you really want to do
once you see the larger picture and have gathered yourself emotionally, it's time to act.
"break free from the affair" outlines exactly what action you can take for each kind of affair. in the e-book i put words into your mouth, giving you phrases you can use with your partner that fit exactly your situation.
with each kind of affair i list skills that work best with that affair and increase your chances for making significant change.
here's a list of the 16 skills that you easily learn and apply: (you will only need to learn and apply those skills applicable to the affair facing you. i'll show you the one(s) that will work best for you.)
•charge neutral •problemize •back off •gapping the goal •matching the mood •peel layers of the truth •get to the real commitment •step over nothing |
•send messages •consequence 'em •contexualize •make him right •unconditionally constructive •silence •look for upset •leaping your partner |
"break free from the affair" represents 20 plus years of my learning, experience, study, research and the touched lives of thousands of people just like you. i offer it to you.
"break free from the affair" finally gave me some peace of mind and a roadmap to follow. it was amazing how the type of affair my wife was having just jumped out at me. knowing that, and what to expect, has given me hope that there will be a resolution. thanks, bob." joe ++++++++++
your ebook has already been a big help! no matter how this turns out i'm already alot better off (feeling wise) than he appears to be. seems like your recommendations are right on target - he can't figure out exactly what is going on other than i'm doing very well these days and still being a very caring loving wife. thanks for all your help! lisa ++++++++++
...the information i received from you in the e-book was some of the most helpful i have seen, and i have read almost every "infidelity" and "relationship" book ever published. yvonne ++++++++++
this e-book hit my situation dead on the head!!! i felt like i was getting a reading from a psychic!!! i have chills right now. lauren |
you must take the next step...
decide now to take the next step. decide now to learn exactly what kind of affair faces you and the exact skills you need to more quickly end this nightmare and break free from the affair.
you can download the book right now for only $49.95.
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i'll tell you in the introduction how to use the book; devise new strategies that will help you make a difference and get pointed in the right direction right now.
you will want to go back to this book time and time again as you do what you must do to create the life and love relationship you really want.
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bonus #1:
when you order break free from the affair, you receive this innovative e-book to help you with confronting your partner.
how to "get over it" for good! the cure for every upset
in this 48 page e-book, paul and layne cutright teach you how to transform your experience of arguments and upsets in your relationships. rather than avoiding confrontation and "walking on eggshells", you will be able to safely and constructively talk about things that are hard to talk about. |
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i look forward to your future newsletters. (my husband is aware i am getting information from this site and he is actually reading some of it! i hope it helps.) ---subscriber
reading your newsletters really seems to help. i read it monday night and by tuesday, i felt really good. i felt like i could control everything and not have him in my thoughts every second. ---subscriber |
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don't wait. start breaking free right now! you can do it!
i look forward to hearing from you today.
dr. robert huizenga, lmft, csw
ps - there is hope, even though you may feel the confusion, overwhelm and helplessness. don't give up. you can see your way through this crisis. i know. i hear people talk about it every day. please take my word for it. your life can be better. decide right now to take some action, please - whether it's buying my book or doing something different.
pss - i am here. if you get stuck, give me a call at 616.456.1178 ext. 12. if i'm not there, leave a voice message at *812. or email me right