if you're unhappy in your relationship and you're considering leaving--then investing 5 minutes of your time to read the information on this web page could be one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. you're about to discover some of the most important questions you should ask yourself in order to make the clearest, most empowered decision possible about whether to stay or go. by reading the information on this web page you'll also discover a powerful new resource that will give you fresh new insights into your current relationship. no matter what your relationship is like now--we want you to know that a passionate, alive and connected relationship is possible for you or anyone else that wants one. our little secret... if you're felling some uncertainty or doubt about whether you can really have a great relationship--- let us assure you that you can and we want to show you how and let you in on our little secret. we are relationship coaches and authors susie and otto collins. in addition to helping other people create outstanding relationships in our relationship coaching practice, we have a truly fantastic relationship with each other. we don't say this to impress you. but, to show you what is possible. you see, we know what it's like to be in a painful relationship. we were both in long term relationships that didn't work out. we've both been faced with the decision about whether to stay in or leave a relationship. we've both been where you are. we know what it's like to be in a relationship with someone you love and still feel cold and empty inside. if you're in a relationship that isn't working and you're not sure what to do we'd like you to know that there is hope for a great relationship no matter how desperate your situation appears right now. don't make the same mistake most people make when they're in an unhappy relationship... a lot of people ( and couples) think that if they don't really focus on the issue of whether they want to stay in or leave their relationships--that the problems will magically somehow heal themselves. they won't. if you don't invest some quality time now in taking a true, honest and truthful look at the state of your relationship, you could stay stuck in this place of indecision for a very long time. it's amazing to us how many people are content to stay stuck in this place of indecision about their relationship--wasting so much precious time when they could be experiencing an incredible relationship filled with love, passion and joy. we encourage you to take an honest look at your situation and feel how much pain you've been feeling about this relationship. you need to decide that you're not willing to live without the love, passion, intimacy, tenderness, connection and yes even sex any longer. you have to take the first step to create the kind of relationship and love you want in your life. we're not suggesting that you should leave your current relationship or marriage and head out looking for the new love of your life. only you can make that decision. what we are telling you is that life is too short to go through it without having the love you want in your life that's possible for all of us. it's important that you take some time now to gain the clarity about your relationship so that you'll be able to ask yourself openly and honestly whether you'll be able to heal your current relationship or not. you deserve to have love, passion and connection in your life. but, in order for your life and your situation to get better you have some big decisions to make about your relationship and we'd like to help... that's why we wrote the book "should you stay or should you go?" we wrote this book to help people like you spend less time living with question of whether to stay or go and help you gain the clarity for what's right for you. (address withheld by request) sometimes you need help in making a decision... years ago, when we were both faced with this decision we agonized forever. we need help and didn't know where to get it. "should you stay or should you go? is the book we wish we had when we were faced with this decision a few years ago. if you're looking for some relationship expert or guru to tell you what you should do-- then this book isn't for you. "should you stay or should you go?" is an "action book" filled with hundreds of questions, stories and insights that will help you consciously determine whether to stay in your present relationship or to move on. in this book we take you through a powerful process of discovery about yourself, your partner and your relationship. by going through this process, the decision about what's best for you actually reveals itself to you. this process asks you to take a thorough, heartfelt examination of your relationship to help you to clarify your next steps—whether those are to formulate ways to make the relationship better or to devise a plan to leave the relationship with grace. "thought provoking, stimulating and provocative. this book will give you lots to think about. it will help you dig a little deeper to help you make a better choice about staying in or leaving a relationship. help you know whether you really want to stay in this relationship or move on help you discover what you really want in a relationship and whether you'll be able to have it in this relationship help you identify the real issues going on in this relationship (they may not be what you think) help you understand the communication challenges going on between the two of you show you how the way money is handled in your relationship may be causing major problems without you even knowing it tell you what to do if there's physical, emotional or sexual abuse going on in this relationship give you a new way of thinking about how addictions affect your relationship help you identify how patterns from your past may be unconsciously ruining your relationship right before your eyes and much more. the questions, stories and insights in this book are not intended as counseling or advice about your decision to stay or leave. rather they provide a powerful process of self-discovery to help you come to your own best decision. this process will help you clarify what’s going on in the relationship and will allow you to discover the answers that are inside you. it is not our intention to suggest to you what is right, wrong, moral, immoral, or to pass judgment in any way about what you should or should not do in your relationships. our intention is to present questions, examples and ideas that will help you to gain the insight that you need to make the best, most conscious decision possible when deciding whether to stay in or to leave your present relationship. whether you're feeling stuck and don't know what's best for you or you've already made your decision and just want reassurance that you're doing the right thing-- you'll find hundreds of stories, insights and compelling questions in our book "should you stay or should you go?" it will help you get more clear about what you're feeling, the future of your relationship and what's right for you. this book will help give you the information you need to make this decision. the book is not available in stores. the regular price will be $29.00. but, it is being offered here on our web site at the introductory price of only $19.95 it is available in either a paperback book or downloadable e-book. if you order the e-book version now, we'll include an incredible special bonus. this special report will give you six powerful ideas to help you move beyond where you are now and give you a fresh perspective on how to let go of your situation so you can allow the healing to begin. you'll discover some simple, yet profound tools to move you through the pain to explore new possibilities for your relationships and your life. this special report is valued at $7.95. we are including it here as an added bonus for buying our ebook "should you stay or should you go." our goal is to help you make the clearest, most conscious decision possible about whether to stay in or leave this relationship. plus, we also want to give you some powerful ideas, strategies and suggestions for taking your next logical step toward getting the love you want in your life. your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
if for any reason, you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 30 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price.
if the relationship that you are considering leaving is one that is (or was) important to you--you don't want to look back in a month, two months, 2 years or 20 years from now and kick yourself because you made the wrong decision. that would be hard to live with. order the book now to make sure you make the right decision. instant access click here for an instant download of the ebook and bonuses. once your credit card or check is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the ebook along with your free bonus. many blessings,
susie and otto collins p.s. "should you stay or should you go" is not available in stores anywhere. it's only available here on our web site. don't put it off. order now for only $19.95 and you'll be able to download the book instantly or we can ship the printed version to you and you'll have it soon. webmasters: make money selling our e-books! to join our affiliate program, click here. susie and otto collins |