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"discover the secrets to selecting great franchisees" e-book

interested in learning more about effective franchisee selection?

download your copy of "discover the secrets to selecting great franchisees" today for only $ 19.95. a compilation of favorite articles from our "dynamic news" newsletter.

each chapter of the e-book covers one of the 7 critical common core values all franchisees have in common.

the chapters are:

  1. research reveals secrets to boosting your franchisee success rate
  2. the biggest predictor of franchisee performance
  3. the importance of positive attitude
  4. intrepreneur or entrepreneur?
  5. sales orientation & franchisee success
  6. extrovert or introvert?
  7. responsiveness to customers is unimportant
  8. work ethic or retirement ethic?
  9. the relative importance of core values to franchising success
  10. final thoughts
  11. appendix a - a guide to interviewing franchise candidates.

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take advantage of our "no-risk 90-day trial". examine the book, try it, use it for a full 90 days. then, if you are not 100% satisfied, let me know and i will immediately give you a full refund.
