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debtors anonymous - me and yet another 12 step program
next month, god willing, i'll celebrate another birthday clean and sober. the last thing in the world i would have expected was that, after all this time, i'd join yet another 12 step program. but that's exactly what's happened... (more) |
survey results - take a peek and see what you think.
usually i review books and music, but this morning as i was making my usual cappuccino, i realized i could review the machine... find out why i love it.
getting in the gap
do you ever have books jump off the shelf for you? this one did for me - well, i actually knocked it off it's shelf, but that's good enough as far as i'm concerned.
besides i love wayne dyer's work... (more)
top picks:
the one minute millionaire
there are who knows how many books out there that promise to tell us how to make a ton of money. they range from excellent to scam, but none of them are grounded the way this book is, and none of them present the information the way this book does... (more)
alcoholics anonymous: reproduction of the first printing of the first edition - just for the heck of it, i checked ebay.com and discovered a copy of the real first edition priced at $202! this reproduction is much more affordable. order as soon as possible, for it can take several weeks to get it.
my name is bill w. - this made for tv video is getting rave reviews from 12 steppers... small wonder. treat yourself!
click for more videos of interest
the annotated aa handbook: a companion to the big book by frank d.
got a question about aa's big book - alcoholics anonymous? want some real insights into the history of the organization and people who created the 12 steps? wonder if there's anything about sex in the big book? do you sense that something you've heard at a meeting might not be accurate, but you don't know where to find it? (more)