what are the massage schools saying that just aren't true?
click here to take you directly to more information on the massage therapy career guide
for those of you who are already a massage therapist or in massage school: i have recently opened a new web site to assist you in building your ideal practice. www.massagepracticebuilder.com
everything from massage school notes, building and maintaining your practice and taking your practice to the next level- where healing is the focus, not fixing.
all the information you need to make your existing practice successful (meaning financially rewarding and emotionally rewarding) will be in this exclusive section. most therapists find building and maintaing a practice to be difficult and demanding. it is much more than just doing the massage and reducing a clients pain or relaxing a tense body. it is usually because of lack of knowledge, support and self care that leads therapists to believe that they can't make it in the field. sign up for my free newsletter to keep up to date on the opening of this exclusive massage practice builder section! meanwhile you can explore my sister site www.thebodyworker.com for more information on building your practice.
if you are not having fun, why are you doing it??
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