6. not forming "strategic alliances" with other businesses to mutually benefit each other with a continual flow of new customers? ("strategic alliances" are an untapped source of greater cash flow into your restaurant.)
7. not having clearly defined competitive advantages and implementing cost-effective, proactive marketing strategies to increase cash flow by attracting many new customers and much more repeat business
8. not identifying and attracting specific target markets that are a great source of extra revenue? there are possibly several currently unidentified target markets near your restaurant.
9. not training your staff in specific and very powerful "front of house" marketing strategies that will rapidly increase sales?
10. not applying proven copywriting techniques and marketing principles to your advertisements, promotional brochures and website to achieve maximum returns?
if you answered yes, that some of these marketing mistakes happen in my restaurant, then you are missing out on loads of extra money that could be yours. click here for the strategies that will solve these problems and increase cash flow. |